1. Introduction
1.1 Surface Plasmon Resonance
1.2 Percolation Threshold: Singularities in Metal-dielectric Composites
2. Conducting Stick Composites and Left Handed Metamaterials
2.1 Metamaterial
2.2 Conductivity and Dielectric Constant: Effective Medium Theory
2.3 High-frequency Response
2.3.1 Scattering of electromagnetic wave by conducting stick
2.3.2 High-frequency effective dielectric function
2.4 Giant Enhancements of Local Electric Fields
2.5 Optical Magnetism, Left-handed Optical Materials and Superresolution
2.5.1 Analytical theory of magnetic plasmon resonances
2.5.2 Numerical simulations of two-dimensional nanowire structures
2.5.3 Capacitance and inductance of two parallel wires
2.6 Planar Nanowire Composites
3. Semicontinuous Metal Films
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Giant Field Fluctuations
3.2.1 Lattice model
3.2.2 Numerical method
3.2.3 Field distributions on semicontinuous metal films
3.3 Localization of Surface Plasmons
3.3.1 Localization length and average intensity of localelectric field
3.3.2 High-order moments of local electric fields
3.3.3 Properties of the localized eigenmodes
3.3.4 Scaling theory of giant field fluctuations
3.4 Anomalous Light Scattering from Semicontinuous Metal Films
3.4.1 Rayleigh scattering
3.4.2 Scaling properties of correlation function
3.5 Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)
3.6 Giant Enhancements of Optical Nonlinearities
3.7 Percolation-enhanced Nonlinear Scattering: High Harmonic Generation
4. Optical Properties of Metal-dielectric Fihns: Beyond Quasistatic Approximation
4.1 Generalized Ohm's Law (GOL) and Basic Equations
4.2 Transmittance, Reflectance, and Absorptance
4.3 Numerical Simulations of Local Electric and Magnetic Fields
4.4 Spatial Moments of Local Electric and Magnetic Fields
4.5 Extraordinary Optical Transmittance (EOT)
4.5.1 Resonant transmittance
4.5.2 Light-induced and light-controlled transmittance
4.5.3 Discussion
5. Electromagnetic Properties of Metal-dielectric Crystals
5.1 Metal-dielectric Composites
5.2 Electromagnetic Crystals
5.2.1 Cubic lattice of metal spheres
5.2.2 A wire-mesh electromagnetic crystal
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- 化工制图(普通高等教育规划教材)15.8
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