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    • 纳米晶体--合成性质和应用(影印版)/引进系列/中外物理学精品书系
      • 作者:(印)拉奥//托马斯//库尔卡尼
      • 出版社:北京大学
      • ISBN:9787301215562
      • 出版日期:2012/12/01
      • 页数:180
    • 售价:19.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1 Basics of Nanocrystals
      1.1 Introduction
      1.2 Properties of Nanocrystals
      1.2.1 Geometric Structure
      1.2.2 Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystals
      1.2.3 Electronic PrODerties
      1.2.4 Optical Properties
      1.2.5 Other Properties
    2 Synthesis of Nanocrystals
      2.1 Physical Methods
      2.1.1 Inert Gas Condensation
      2.1.2 Arc Discharge
      2.1.3 Ion Sputtering
      2.1.4 Laser Ablation
      2.1.5 Pyrolysis and Other Methods
      2.1.6 Spray Pyrolysis
      2.2 Chemical Methods
      2.2.1 Metal Nanocrystals by Reduction
      2.2.2 Solvothermal Synthesis
      2.2.3 Photochemical Synthesis
      2.2.4 Electrochemical Synthesis
      2.2.5 Nanocrystals of Semiconductors and Other Materials by Arrested Precipitation
      2.2.6 Thermolysis Routes
      2.2.7 Sonochemical Routes
      2.2.8 Micelles and Microemulsions
      2.2.9 The Liquid-Liquid Interface
      2.2.1O Biological Methods
      2.2.11 Hybrid Methods
      2.2.12 Solvated Metal Atom Dispersion (SMAD)
      2.2.13 Post-synthetic Size-Selective Processing
      2.3 Nanocrystals of Different Shapes
      2.3.1 Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Metal Nanocrystals
      2.3.2 Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Semiconductor and Oxide Nanocrystals
      2.4 Doping and Charge Injection
      2.5 Tailoring the Ligand Shell
    3 Programmed Assemblies
      3.1 One-Dimensional Arrangements
      3.2 Rings and Associated Arrangements
      3.3 Two-Dimensional Arrays
      3.3.1 Metal Nanocrystals
      3.3.2 Semiconductor and Oxide Nanocrystals
      3.3.3 Other Two-Dimensional Arrangements
      3.3.4 Mechanism of Organization
      3.4 Three-Dimensional Superlattices
      3.5 Superclusters
      3.6 Colloidal Crystals
    4 Properties of Nanocrystals
      4.1 Melting Point and Heat Capacity
      4.2 Electronic Properties
      4.2.1 Catalysis and Reactivity

      4.3 Optical Properties
      4.4 Magnetic Properties
    5 Core-Shell Nanocrystals
      5.1 Synthesis and Properties
      5.1.1 Semiconductor-Semiconductor
      5.1.2 Metal-Metal
      5.1.3 Metal-Oxide, Semiconductor-Oxide, and Oxide-Oxide
      5.2 Assemblies of Core-Shell Nanocrystals
    6 Applications
      6.1 Introduction
      6.2 Nanocrystals as Fluorescent Tags
      6.3 Nanocrystal-Based Optical Detection and Related Devices
      6.4 Biomedical Applications of Oxide Nanoparticles
      6.5 Optical and Electro-Optical Devices
      6.6 Dip-Pen Nanolithography with Nanocrystals
      6.7 Nanoelectronics and Nanoscalar Electronic Devices
      6.8 Nanocomputing


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