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    • 多层纳米结构中的输运--动力学平均场方法(影印版)/引进系列/中外物理学精品书系
      • 作者:(美)弗雷里克斯
      • 出版社:北京大学
      • ISBN:9787301216620
      • 出版日期:2012/12/01
      • 页数:327
    • 售价:34.8
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录


    1.Introduction to Multilayered Nanostructures
    1.1 Thin Film Growth and Multilayered Nanostructures
    1.2 Strongly Correlated Materials
    1.3 The Proximity Effect
    1.4 Electronic Charge Reconstruction at an Interface
    1.5 Roadmap to Real-Materials Calculations

    2.Dynamical Mean-Field Theory in the Bulk
    2.1 Models of Strongly Correlated Electrons
    2.2 Second Quantization
    2.3 Imaginary Time Green's Functions
    2.4 Real Time Green's Functions
    2.5 The Limit d oo and the Mapping onto a Time-Dependent Impurity Problem
    2.6 Impurity Problem Solvers
    2.7 Computational Algorithms
    2.8 Linear-Response dc-Transport in the Bulk
    2.9 Metal-Insulator Transitions within DMFT
    2.10 Bulk Charge and Thermal Transport

    3.Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of a Multilayered Nanostructure
    3.1 Potthoff-Nolting Approach to Multilayered Nanostructures
    3.2 Quantum Zipper Algorithm (Renormalized Perturbation Expansion)
    3.3 ComputationalMethods .
    3.4 Density of States for a Nanostructure
    3.5 Longitudinal Charge Transport Through a Nanostructure
    3.6 Charge Reconstruction (Schottky Barriers)
    3.7 Longitudinal Heat Transport Through a Nanostructure
    3.8 Superconducting Leads and Josephson Junctions
    3.9 Finite Dimensions and Vertex Corrections

    4.Thouless Energy and Normal-State Transport
    4.1 Heuristic Derivation of the Generalized Thouless Energy
    4.2 Thouless Energy in Metals
    4.3 Thouless Energy in Insulators
    4.4 Crossover from Tunneling to Incoherent Transport in Devices

    5.Josephson Junctions and Superconducting Transport
    5.1 Introduction to Superconducting Electrorucs Devices
    5.2 Superconducting Proximity Effect
    5.3 Josephson Current
    5.4 Figure-of-Merit for a Josephson Junction
    5.5 Effects of Temperature
    5.6 Density of States and Andreev Bound States

    6.Thermal Transport
    6.1 Electronic Charge Reconstruction Near a Metal-Insulator Transition
    6.2 Thermal Transport Through a Barrier Near the Metal-Insulator Transition

    7.Future Directions
    7.1 Spintronics Devices
    7.2 Multiband Models for Real Materials
    7.3 Nonequilibrium Properties
    7.4 Summary

    Appendix A Problems


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