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    • 信息理论基础(英文版工业和信息化部十二五规划教材)
      • 作者:编者:陈杰//孙兵//于泽//周荫清
      • 出版社:北京航空航天大学
      • ISBN:9787512419728
      • 出版日期:2016/01/01
      • 页数:153
    • 售价:11.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction
      1.1  Concept of information
      1.2  History of information theory
      1.3  Information, messages and signals
      1.4  Communication system model
      1.5  Information theory applications
        1.5.1  Electrical engineering (communication theory)
        1.5.2  Computer science (algorithmic complexity)
    Chapter 2  Statistical Measure of Information
      2.1  Information of random events
        2.1.1  Self-information
        2.1.2  Conditional self-information
        2.1.3  Mutual information of events
      2.2  Information of discrete random variables
        2.2.1  Entropy of discrete random variables
        2.2.2  Joint entropy
        2.2.3  Conditional entropy
        2.2.4  Mutual information of discrete random variables
      2.3  Relationship between entropy and mutual information
      2.4  Mutual information and entropy of continuous random variables
        2.4.1  Mutual information of continuous random variabies
        2.4.2  Entropy oI continuous random variables
    Chapter 3  Discrete Source and Its Entropy Rate
      3.1  Mathematical model of source
        3.1.1  Discrete source and continuous source
        3.1.2  Simple discrete source and its extension
        3.1.3  Memoryless source and source with memory
      3.2  Discrete memoryles source
        3.2.1  Definition
        3.2.2  Extension of discrete source
      3.3  Discrete stationary source
        3.3.1  Definition
        3.3.2  Entropy rate of discrete stationary source
      3.4  Discrete Markov source
        3.4.1  Markov chain
        3.4.2  Transition probability
        3.4.3  Markov source and its entropy rate
    Chapter 4  Lossless Source Coding and Data Compression
      4.1   Asymptotic equipartition property and typical sequences
      4.2  Lossless source coding
        4.2.1  Encoder
        4.2.2  Blockcode
        4.2.3  Fixed length code
        4.2.4  Variable length code
      4.3  Data compression
        4.3.1  Shannon coding
        4.3.2  Huffman coding

        4.3.3  Fano coding
    Chapter 5  Discrete Channel and Its Capacity
      5.1  Mathematical model of channel
      5.2  Discrete memoryless channel
        5.2.1  Mathematical model o{ discrete memoryless channel
        5.2.2  Simple DMC
        5.2.3  Extension of discrete memoryless channel
      5.3  Channel combination
      5.4  Channel capacity
        5.4.1  Concept of channel capacity
        5.4.2  Channel capacity of several special discrete channels
        5.4.3  Channel capacity of symmetric channels
        5.4.4  Channel capacity of extended DMC
        5.4.5  Channel capacity of independent parallel DMC
        5.4.6  Channel capacity of the sum channel
        5.4.7  Channel capacity of general discrete channels
    Chapter 6  Noisy-channel Coding
      6.1  Probability of error
      6.2  Decoding rules
      6.3  Channel coding
        6.3.1  Simple repetition code
        6.3.2  Linear code
      6.4  Noisy-channel coding theorem
    Chapter 7  Rate Distortion
      7.1  Quantization
      7.2  Distortion definition
        7.2.1  Distortion function
        7.2.2  Mean distortion
      7.3  Rate distortion function
        7.3.1  Fidelity criterion for given channel
        7.3.2  Definition of rate distortion function
        7.3.3   Property of rate distortion function
      7.4  Rate distortion theorem and the converse
      7.5  The ea|culation of rate distortion function
    Chapter 8  Continuous Source find Its Entropy Rate
      8.1  Continuous source
      8.2  Entropy of continuous source
      8.3  Maximum entropy of continuous source
      8.4  Joint entropy, conditional entropy and mutual information for continuous random variables
      8.5  Entropy rate of continuous source
      8.6  Rate distortion for continuous source
    Chapter 9  Continuous Channel and Its Capacity
      9.1  Capacity of continuous channel
        9.1.1  Capacity of discrete-time channel
        9.1.2  Capacity of continuous time channel

      9.2  The Gaussian channel
      9.3  Band-limited channels
      9.4  Coding theorem for continuous channel
    Chapter 10  Maximum Entropy and Spectrum Estimation
      10.1  Maximum entropy probability distribution
        10.1.1  Maximum entropy distribution
        10.1.2  Examples
      10.2  Maximum entropy spectrum estimation
        10.2.1  Burg's max entropy theorem
        10.2.2   Maximum entropy spectrum estimation
    Chapter 11  Experiments of Information Theory
      11.1  Measure of information
        11.1.1  Information calculator
        11.1.2  Properties of entropy
      11.2  Simulation of Markov source
      11.3  Performance simulation for source coding
        11.3.1  Shannon coding
        11.3.2  Huffman coding
        11.3.3  Fano coding
      11.4  Simulation of BSC
      11.5  Simulation of the cascade channel
      11.6  Calculation of channel capacity
      11.7  Decoding rules
      11.8  Performance demonstration of channel coding


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