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    • 量子霍尔效应(第3版)(英文版)
      • 作者:(日)江沢
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787519213466
      • 出版日期:2016/05/01
      • 页数:891
    • 售价:79.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part. I Quantum Field Theory
      1. Quantum Mechanics
        1.1 Hilbert Spaces
        1.2 Canonical Formalism
        1.3 Creation and Annihilation Operators
        1.4 Uncertainty Principle
        1.5 Coherent States and von Neumann Lattice
        1.6 Squeezed Coherent State
        1.7 Particle Number and Phase
        1.8 Macroscopic Coherence
      2. Quantum Field Theory
        2.1 One-Body Hamiltonian
        2.2 Many-Body Hamiltonian
        2.3 Boson Field Operators
        2.4 Quantum Field Theory
        2.5 Fermion Field Operators
        2.6 Electrons Interacting with Electromagnetic Field
      3. Canonical Quantization
        3.1 Relativistic Particles and Waves
        3.2 Schr6dinger Field
        3.3 Real Klein-Gordon Field
        3.4 Complex Klein-Gordon Field
        3.5 Nother Currents
      4. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
        4.1 Ferromagnets
        4.2 Real Klein-Gordon Field
        4.3 Complex Klein-Gordon Field
        4.4 Sigma Model
        4.5 Spin Field
        4.6 Schrodinger Field
        4.7 Superfluidity
        4.8 Goldstone Theorem
      5. Electromagnetic Field
        5.1 Maxwell Equations
        5.2 Canonical Quantization
        5.3 Interaction with Matter Field
        5.4 Anderson-Higgs Mechanism
        5.5 Massive Vector Field
        5.6 Superconductivity
        5.7 Aharonov-Bohm Effect
      6. Dirac Field
        6.1 Dirac Equation
        6.2 Plane Wave Solutions
        6.3 Canonical Quantization
        6.4 Interaction with Electromagnetic Field
        6.5 Weyl Field (Massless Dirac Field)
        6.6 Massless Dirac Electrons in Magnetic Field
      7. Topological Solitons
        7.1 Topological Sectors

        7.2 Classical Fields
        7.3 Solitary Waves, Kinks and Solitons
        7.4 Sine-Gordon Solitons
        7.5 Vortex Solitons
        7.6 Homotopy Classes
        7.7 0(3) Skyrmions
        7.8 SU(N) Skyrmions or CPN-1 Skyrmions
        7.9 Skyrmions in Ferromagnets
      8. Anyons
        8.1 Spin and Statistics
    Part. II Monolayer Quantum Hall Systems
      9. Overview of Monolayer QH Systems
      10. Landau Quantization
      11. Quantum Hall Effects
      12. Quasiparticles and Activation Energy
      13. Field Theory of Composite Particles
      14. Composite Bosons and Semiclassical Analysis
      15. Quantum Hall Ferromagnets
      16. Spin Textures
      17. Hierarchy of Fractional QH States
      18. Edge Effects
      19. Stripes and Bubbles in Higher Landau Levels
      20. Quantum Hall Effects in Graphene
      21. Quantum Hall Effects in Silicene
      22. Topological Insulators and QH Effects without Landau Levels
    Part. III Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems
      23. Overview of Bilayer QH Systems
      24. SU(2) Pseudospin Structure
      25. Bilayer-Locked States
      26. Interlayer Coherence and Josephson Effects
      27. Commensurate and Incommensurate Phases
      28. SU(4) Quantum Hall Ferromagnets
      29. Bilayer Quantum Hall Systems at v = 2
    Part. IV Microscopic Theory
      30. Overview of Microscopic Theory
      31. Noncommutative Geometry
      32. Landau Level Projection
      33. Noncommutative Solitons
      34. Exchange Interactions and Effective Theory
    Part. V Recent Experimental Developments
      35. Overview of New Experimental Developments
      36. Real-Space Observation of Quantum Hall States
      37. Collective Excitations in Integer and Fractional QH Systems
      38. Hyperfine Interactions in Quantum Hall Regime
      39. Microwave-induced Nonequilibrium Phenomena
      40. Superfluid Properties of Electron Bilayers
      41. Quantum Hall Effect in ZnO



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