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    • 销售英语看这本就够了
      • 作者:编者:施孝昌
      • 出版社:中国纺织
      • ISBN:9787518042593
      • 出版日期:2018/02/01
      • 页数:289
    • 售价:15.92
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    第一章  (Chapterr 1) 开口说销售英语
      Unit 1 初次业务拜访
        Here is my card
      Unit 2 业务自我介绍
        We all played golf togethe
      Unit 3 初步推销产品
        What you have ight here is all you need
      Unit 4 保证品质第一
        Our products are 100% trouble-free
      Unit 5 价钱好商量
        You get a lot more than what you pay for
      Unit 6 电话销售第一步
        Hello, is your manage available now?
    第二章  (Chapter 2) 超级业务员英语
      Unit 7 有效的业务会面
        That's why I came to see you
      Unit 8 高等销售用语
        I promise you won't be disappointed
      Unit 9 强调有利客户
        Let me explain
      Unit 10 包君满意
        No problem
      Unit 11 让他不能不买
        That's why I am here
      Unit 12 让客户一定购买
        This could e you only chance
    第三章  (Chapter 3) 提高业绩英语
      Unit 13 高业绩的开场白
        Thank you so much for having me
      Unit 14 一句话成交
        We can adjust the price
      Unit 15 客户未决定购买
        Oh really, why is that?
      Unit 16 克服业务困难
        May I ask why?

      Unit 17 业务对象无兴趣时
        Anyone can use this
      Unit 18 坚持与客户沟通
        This will make you life easier
    第四章  (Chapter 4) 拜访客户
      Unit 19 拜访客户的第一步
        When is a good time?
      Unit 20 与客户见面
        Glad to see you make it here
      Unit 21 未事先约定造访客户
        I was in you neighborhood
      Unit 22 询问客户公司地址
        How do I get to you office?
      Unit 23 变更拜访计划
        I have to cancel our lunch date
    第五章  (Chapter 5) 介绍产品
      Unit 24 服务业产品介绍
        Ou bank always offers lower rates
      Unit 25 硬件器材产品介绍
        May I help you find something?
      Unit 26 电话中介绍产品
        I have just the car you have been looking for
      Unit 27 带领客户参观
        Come for a tour
      Unit 28 客户要求修改
        I don't see a prolem with that
    第六章  (Chapter 6) 议价谈判
      Unit 29 付款条件
        We take cash only
      Unit 30 讨价还价
        What's you bottom line price?
      Unit 31 不二价
        My price is firm
      Unit 32 最后的出价

        That's my final offer
      Unit 33 客户回心转意
        This time nothing will break
    第七章  (Chapter 7) 谈判合约
      Unit 34 合约条件
        We can try to work them out
      Unit 35 合约相关法律
        I need for my attorney to look this over
      Unit 36 签订合约
        Are you ready to sign?
      Unit 37 签了合约才算数
        You can sign the contact first
      Unit 38 与决策者直接打交道
        Can you give me the name of someone at the central office?
    第八章  (Chapter 8) 招待客户
      Unit 39 邀请客户
        Let's go play golf some day
      Unit 40 业务待客之道
        Have you eve een to China before?
      Unit 41 在饭店
        Let me know if you need anything
      Unit 42 在俱乐部
        What's you favorite drink?
      Unit 43 招待客户健身
        I do aerobics three times a week
    第九章  (Chapter 9) 礼尚往来
      Unit 44 送礼物
        You are very thoughtful
      Unit 45 向客户道喜
        Congatulations on your new job
      Unit 46 人情世故
        I just wanted to check on you
      Unit 47 表示感谢
        Your reward is in the mail

    第十章  (Chapter 10) 接单收款
      Unit 48 接受订单
        You will find they are of great value
      Unit 49 暂时缺货
        We won't have any in stock for two weeks
      Unit 50 货物遗失
        It must have been lost in the mail
      Unit 51 催收账款
        This is to remind you of a past due bill
      Unit 52 催收过期账款
        Are you planning on paying them?
    第十一章  (Chapter 11) 售后服务
      Unit 53 售后与客户联系
        I am here to help you
      Unit 54 处理客户的抱怨
        Sorry about that
      Unit 55 派人服务
        I'll e over as soon as possible
      Unit 56 安排补救服务
        But I don't see why we could not
    第十二章  (Chapter 12) 扩展国外业务
      Unit 57 与国外联系
        What is the country code and city code?
      Unit 58 收集国外资讯
        Why don't you try to call them?
      Unit 59 参加国外商展
        I am calling about you trade show
      Unit 60 到国外出差
        I can pick you up at the airpot


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