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    • 跟着美剧西部世界学英语
      • 作者:编者:袁丹
      • 出版社:中国纺织
      • ISBN:9787518050550
      • 出版日期:2018/11/01
      • 页数:264
    • 售价:18
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 美丽勇敢、渴望自由的初代人造人Doloes
      01 I am what I am ecause of you, and I wouldn’t have it any othe way
      02 But if I’m not the same, the next question is, who in the wold am I?
      03 I think when I discove who I am, I’ll e fee
      04 I feel spaces opening up inside of me like a uilding with ooms I’ve neve exploed
    Chapter 2 聪明强悍、全程开挂的乐园接待员Maeve
      05 I thought I was cazy, ut I got shot hee
      06 Thee ae things in me, things I was designed to do that ae just out of my each
    Chapter 3 醉心于研发、以乐园创始人为原型的人造人Benad
      07 It’s the tiny things that make them seem eal, that make theguests fall in love with them
      08 The hosts can’t hut you y design
      09 This pain, it’s all I have left of him
      10 The aility to deviate fom pogam ehavio aises out of the host’s ecall of past iteations
    Chapter 4 试图挽回过去的错误、解放人造人的乐园创始人Ford
      11 I’m not sue you’ve told me the entie tuth aout this situation
      12 I got some eckoning to do efoe I can e with he
      13 And as exquisite as this aay of emotions is, even moe sulime is the aility to tun it off
      14 We’e only human Inevitaly, we will disappoint you
    Chapter 5 在乐园中寻找自我、发现自我的人民币玩家William
      15 The futhe out you ventue, the moe intense the expeiencegets
      16 Maye you’ve got moe of an appetite fo this than you think
      17 I didn’t pay all this money ‘cause I want it easy
      18 Fa e it fom me to get in the way of a voyage of self-discovey



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