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    • 暗能量(理论与观测)(英文版)
      • 作者:(德)L.阿门多拉//(日)辻川信二
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787519244651
      • 出版日期:2018/05/01
      • 页数:491
    • 售价:39.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    List of frequently used symbols
    1  Overview
    2  Expansion history of the Universe
      2.1  Friedmann equations
      2.2  Hubble's law
      2.3  Matter species in the Universe
      2.4  Cosmic distances
      2.5  The equation of state of dark energy
      2.6  Problems
    3  Correlation function and power spectrum
      3.1  The correlation function
      3.2  The n-point correlation function
      3.3  The power spectrum
      3.4  From the power spectrum to the moments
      3.5  Problems
    4  Basics of cosmological perturbation theory
      4.1  Perturbing General Relativity
      4.2  The Newtonian gauge
      4.3  Single-fluid model
      4.4  Scales larger than the horizon
      4.5  Scales smaller than the Hubble radius
      4.6  Two-fluid solutions
      4.7  Velocity field
      4.8  The redshift distortion
      4.9  Baryons, photons, and neutrinos
      4.10  The matter power spectrum
      4.11  Perturbed photon propagation
      4.12  Problems
    5  Observational evidence of dark energy
      5.1  The age of the Universe
      5.2  Supernova observations
      5.3  Cosmic Microwave Background
      5.4  Baryon acoustic oscillations
      5.5  Large-scale structure
      5.6  Problems
    6  Cosmological constant
      6.1  Einstein equations with the cosmological constant
      6.2  History of the cosmological constant
      6.3  The fine tuning problem
      6.4  The coincidence problem
      6.5  Supersymmetric models
      6.6  Cosmological constant and the anthropic principle
      6.7  The decoupling of the cosmological constant from gravity
      6.8  Problems
    7  Dark energy as a modified form of matter I: Quintessence
      7.1  Quintessence
      7.2  Dynamical system approach
      7.3  Early dark energy
      7.4  Quintessence potentials in particle physics

      7.5  Reconstruction of quintessence from observations
      7.6  Problems
    8  Dark energy as a modified form of matter II
      8.1  k-essence
      8.2  Phantoms
      8.3  Coupled dark energy
      8.4  Chameleon scalar fields
      8.5  Dark energy models with scaling solutions
      8.6  Unified models of dark energy and dark matter
      8.7  Future singularities
      8.8  Problems
    9  Dark energy as a modification of gravity
      9.1  f(R) gravity
      9.2  Scalar-tensor theories
      9.3  Gauss-Bonnet dark energy models
      9.4  Branewodd models of dark energy
      9.5  Problems
    10  Cosmic acceleration without dark energy
      10.1  Void models
      10.2  Backreaction
      10.3  Problems
    11  Dark energy and linear cosmological perturbations
      11.1  Perturbations in a general dark energy cosmology
      11.2  Perturbations of a scalar field
      11.3  From dark energy to dark force
      11.4  A massive dark energy field
      11.5  Sound speed of a scalar field
      11.6  Perturbations in modified gravity models
      11.7  Problems
    12  Non-linear cosmological perturbations
      12.1  Second-order perturbations
      12.2  The bispectrum and the higher-order correction to the power spectrum
      12.3  Spherical collapse
      12.4  The mass function of collapsed objects
      12.5  Dark energy N-body simulations
      12.6  Problems
    13  Statistical methods in cosmology
      13.1  The likelihood function
      13.2  Model selection
      13.3  Fisher matrix
      13.4  The Fisher matrix for the power spectrum
      13.5  Principal component analysis
      13.6  Problems
    14  Future observational constraints on the nature of dark energy
      14.1  Dark energy and the CMB
      14.2  Large-scale structure
      14.3  Growth function
      14.4  Cosmic shear
      14.5  Cluster abundances and baryon fraction
      14.6  Other probes

      14.7  Problems
    15  Condusion and outlook
    16  Answers to the problems
    17  Mathematical Appendix


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