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    • 场论的路径积分方法(第2版)(英文版)
      • 作者:(美)A.达斯
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787519224127
      • 出版日期:2017/07/01
      • 页数:361
    • 售价:27.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Preface to the First Edition
    Preface to the Second Edition
      1.1  Particles and Fields
      1.2  Metric and Other Notations
      1.3  Functionals
      1.4  Review of Quantum Mechanics
      1.5  References
    2.Path Integrals and Quantum Mechanics
      2.1  Basis States
      2.2  Operator Ordering
      2.3  The Classical Limit
      2.4  Equivalence with the Schr5dinger Equation
      2.5  Free Particle
      2.6  References
    3.Harmonic Oscillator
      3.1  Path Integral for the Harmonic Oscillator
      3.2  Method of Fourier Transform
      3.3  Matrix Method
      3.4  The Classical Action
      3.5  References
    4.Generating Functional
      4.1  Euclidean Rotation
      4.2  Time Ordered Correlation Functions
      4.3  Correlation Functions in Definite States
      4.4  Vacuum Functional
      4.5  Anharmonic Oscillator
      4.6  References
    5.Path Integrals for Fermions
      5.1  Fermionic Oscillator
      5.2  Grassmann Variables
      5.3  Generating Functional
      5.4  Feynman Propagator
      5.5  The Fermion Determinant
      5.6  References
      6.1  Supersymmetric Oscillator
      6.2  Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
      6.3  Shape Invariance
      6.4  Example
      6.5  Supersymmetry and Singular Potentials
        6.5.1  Regularized Superpotential
        6.5.2  Alternate Regularization
      6.6  References
    7.Semi-Classical Methods
      7.1   WKB Approximation
      7.2   Saddle Point Method
      7.3   Semi-Classical Methods in Path Integrals
      7.4   Double Well Potential
      7.5   References

    8.Path Integral for the Double Well
      8.1  Instantons
      8.2  Zero Modes
      8.3  The Instanton Integral
      8.4  Evaluating the Determinant
      8.5  Multi-Instanton Contributions
      8.6  References
    9.Path Integral for Relativistic Theories
      9.1  Systems with Many Degrees of Freedom
      9.2  Relativistic Scalar Field Theory
      9.3  Feynman Rules
      9.4  Connected Diagrams
      9.5  References
    10.Effective Action
      10.1  The Classical Field
      10.2  Effective Action
      10.3  Loop Expansion
      10.4  Effective Potential at One Loop
      10.5  References
    11.Invarianees and Their Consequences
      11.1  Symmetries of the Action
      11.2  Noether's Theorem
        11.2.1  Example
      11.3  Complex Scalar Field
      11.4  Ward Identities
      11.5  Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
      11.6  Goldstone Theorem
      11.7  References
    12.Gauge Theories
      12.1  Maxwell Theory
      12.2  Non-Abelian Gauge Theory
      12.3  Path Integral for Gauge Theories
      12.4  BRST Invariance
      12.5  Ward Identities
      12.6  References
      13.1  Anomalous Ward Identity
      13.2  Schwinger Model
      13.3  References
    14.Systems at Finite Temperature
      14.1  Statistical Mechanics
      14.2  Critical Exponents
      14.3  Harmonic Oscillator
      14.4  Fermionic Oscillator
      14.5  References
    15.Ising Model
      15.1  One Dimensional Ising Model
      15.2  The Partition Function
      15.3  Two Dimensional Ising Model
      15.4  Duality

      15.5  High and Low Temperature Expansions
      15.6  Quantum Mechanical Model
      15.7  Duality in the Quantum System
      15.8  References


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