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    • 量子力学导论(第4版影印版)(英文版)
      • 作者:(德)W.格雷钠
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787519255312
      • 出版日期:2019/03/01
      • 页数:485
    • 售价:67.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1.The Quantization of Physical Quantifies
      1.1  Light Quanta
      1.2  The Photoelectric Effect
      1.3  The Compton Effect
      1.4  The Ritz Combination Principle
      1.5  The Franck-Hertz Experiment
      1.6  The Stem-Gerlach Experiment
      1.7  Biographical Notes
    2.The Radiation Laws
      2.1  A Preview of the Radiation of Bodies
      2.2  What is Cavity Radiation?
      2.3  The Rayleigh-Jeans Radiation Law:The Electromagnetic Eigenmodes of a Cavity
      2.4  Planck's Radiation Law
      2.5  Biographical Notes
    3.Wave Aspects of Matter
      3.1  De Broglie Waves
      3.2  The Diffraction of Matter Waves
      3.3  The Statistical Interpretation of Matter Waves
      3.4  Mean (Expectation) Values in Quantum Mechanics
      3.5  Three Quantum Mechanical Operators
      3.6  The Superposition Principle in Quantum Mechanics
      3.7  The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
      3.8  Biographical Notes
    4.Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics I
      4.1  Properties of Operators
      4.2  Combining Two Operators
      4.3  Bra and Ket Notation
      4.4  Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
      4.5  Measurability of Different Observables at Equal Times
      4.6  Position and Momentum Operators
      4.7  Heisenberg's Uncertainty Relations for Arbitrary Observables
      4.8  Angular-Momentum Operators
      4.9  Kinetic Energy
      4.10  Total Energy
      4.11  Biographical Notes
    5.Mathematical Supplement
      5.1  Eigendifferentials and the Normalization of Eigenfunctions for Continuous Spectra
      5.2  Expansion into Eigenfunctions
    6.The Schrodinger Equation
      6.1  The Conservation of Particle Number in Quantum Mechanics
      6.2  Stationary States
      6.3  Properties of Stationary States
      6.4  Biographical Notes
    7.The Harmonic Oscillator
      7.1  The Solution of the Oscillator Equation
      7.2  The Description of the Harmonic Oscillator by Creation and Annihilation Operators
      7.3  Properties of the Operators a and a+
      7.4  Representation of the Oscillator Hamiltonian in Terms of a and a+
      7.5  Interpretation of a and a+
      7.6  Biographical Notes

    8.The Transition from Classical to Quantum Mechanics
      8.1  Motion of the Mean Values
      8.2  Ehrenfest's Theorem
      8.3  Constants of Motion, Laws of Conservation
      8.4  Quantization in Curvilinear Coordinates
      8.5  Biographical Notes
    9.Charged Particles in Magnetic Fields
      9.1  Coupling to the Electromagnetic Field
      9.2  The Hydrogen Atom
      9.3  Three-Dimensional Electron Densities
      9.4  The Spectrum of Hydrogen Atoms
      9.5  Currents in the Hydrogen Atom
      9.6  The Magnetic Moment
      9.7  Hydrogen-like Atoms
      9.8  Biographical Notes
    10.The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics II
      10.1  Representation Theory
      10.2  Representation of Operators
      10.3  The Eigenvalue Problem
      10.4  Unitary Transformations
      10.5  The S Matrix
      10.6  The Schrodinger Equation in Matrix Form
      10.7  The Schrtdinger Representation
      10.8  The Heisenberg Representation
      10.9  The Interaction Representation
      10.10  Biographical Notes
    11.Perturbation Theory
      11.1  Stationary Perturbation Theory
      11.2  Degeneracy
      11.3  The Ritz Variational Method
      11.4  Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
      11.5  Time-Independent Perturbation
      11.6  Transitions Between Continuum States
      11.7  Biographical Notes
      12.1  Doublet Splitting
      12.2  The Einstein-de Haas Experiment
      12.3  The Mathematical Description of Spin
      12.4  Wave Functions with Spin
      12.5  The Pauli Equation
      12.6  Biographical Notes
    13.A Nonreintivistic Wave Equation with Spin
      13.1  The Linearization of the Schrtdinger Equation
      13.2  Particles in an External Field and the Magnetic Moment
    14.Elementary Aspects of the Quantum-Mechanical Many-Body Problem
      14.1  The Conservation of the Total Momentum of a Particle System
      14.2  Centre-of-Mass Motion of a System of Particles in Quantum Mechanics
      14.3  Conservation of Total Angular Momentum in a Quantum-Mechanical Many-Particle System
      14.4  Small Oscillations in a Many-Particle System
      14.5  Biographical Notes

    15.Identical Particles
      15.1  The Pauli Principle
      15.2  Exchange Degeneracy
      15.3  The Slater Determinant
      15.4  Biographical Notes
    16.The Formal Framework of Quantum Mechanics
      16.1  The Mathematical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics:Hilbert Space
      16.2  Operators in Hilbert Space
      16.3  Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
      16.4  Operators with Continuous or Discrete-Continuous (Mixed) Spectra
      16.5  Operator Functions
      16.6  Unitary Transformations
      16.7  The Direct-Product Space
      16.8  The Axioms of Quantum Mechanics
      16.9  Free Particles
      16.10  A Summary of Perturbation Theory
    17.Conceptual and Philosophical Problems of Quantum Mechanics
      17.1  Determinism
      17.2  Locality
      17.3  Hidden-Variable Theories
      17.4  Bell's Theorem
      17.5  Measurement Theory
      17.6  Schrodinger's Cat
      17.7  Subjective Theories
      17.8  Classical Measurements
      17.9  The Copenhagen Interpretation
      17.10  Indelible Recording
      17.11  The Splitting Universe
      17.12  The Problem of Reality
    Subject Index


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