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    • 会计审计专业英语(第4版会计学专业新企业会计准则系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:贺欣//温倩//罗殿英
      • 出版社:机械工业
      • ISBN:9787111625742
      • 出版日期:2019/05/01
      • 页数:268
    • 售价:18
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part 1  Accounting Principle会计原理
      Chapter 1  Accounting and Its Environment会计与环境
        小案例Mini Case
        1.1  Nature and Content of Accounting
        1.2  Objectives of Financial Reporting
        1.3  Underlying Assumptions
        1.4  Accounting Basis
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 2  Accounting Concepts and Principles会计概念与原则
        小案例Mini Case
        2.1  Qualitative Characteristics of Useful Accounting Information
        2.2  Elements of the Financial Statements
        2.3  Recognition and Measurement Principles
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 3  Financial Statements财务报表
        小案例Mini Case
        3.1  Statement of Financial Position
        3.2  Statement of Comprehensive Income
        3.3  Statement of Changes in Equity
        3.4  Statement of Cash Flows
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 4  The Accounting Cycle会计循环
        小案例Mini Case
        4.1  Accounting Equation and DoubleEntry Bookkeeping
        4.2  Accounting Cycle
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
    Part 2  Financial Accounting财务会计
      Chapter 5  Current Assets流动资产
        小案例Mini Case
        5.1  Cash and Current Receivables
        5.2  Inventory
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge

      Chapter 6  Investments,Plant Assets and Intangibles投资、固定资产与无形资产
        小案例Mini Case
        6.1  Investments in Equity and Debt Securities
        6.2  Plant Assets and Intangibles
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 7  Liabilities负债
        小案例Mini Case
        7.1  Current Liabilities
        7.2  Bonds Payable and Convertible Bonds
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 8  Owners Equity所有者权益
        小案例Mini Case
        8.1  Contributed Capital
        8.2  Retained Earnings
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 9  Performance经营成果
        小案例Mini Case
        9.1  Income
        9.2  Expenses
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 10  Financial Statement Analysis财务报表分析
        小案例Mini Case
        10.1  Framework for Financial Statement Analysis
        10.2  Techniques of Analysis
        10.3  Ratio Analysis
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
    Part 3  Cost and Management Accounting成本与管理会计
      Chapter 11  An Introduction to Cost terms and Concepts成本术语与概念介绍

        小案例Mini Case
        11.1  Cost Objects and Cost Assignment
        11.2  Elements of Cost
        11.3  Materials and Labor
        11.4  Manufacturing Overheads
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 12  Costing Systems成本核算系统
        小案例Mini Case
        12.1  Job Costing and Process Costing
        12.2  Absorption and Marginal Costing
        12.3  Activity Based Costing
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 13  Management Accounting管理会计
        小案例Mini Case
        13.1  Cost Behavior and CVP Analysis
        13.2  Standard Costing and Variance Analysis
        13.3  Master Budgets
        13.4  Performance Measurement
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
    Part  4  International Accounting国际会计
      Chapter 14  International Accounting Harmonization国际会计协调
        小案例Mini Case
        14.1  Advantages of International Accounting Harmonization
        14.2  Applicability of International Standards
        14.3  Major International Organizations Promoting Accounting Harmonization
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 15  International Accounting Standards Board国际会计准则理事会
        小案例Mini Case
        15.1  Organization of International Accounting Standards Board
        15.2  Conceptual Framework for Financial Reoprting
        15.3  Core Standards by International Accounting Standards Committee
        15.4  IFRSs and US GAAP
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge

      Chapter 16  Special Accounting Treatments in Multinational Corporations
        小案例Mini Case
        16.1  Foreign Currency Transactions and Translations
        16.2  Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
    Part 5  Audit审计
      Chapter 17  Audit Framework审计框架
        小案例Mini Case
        17.1  Agency and Nature of Audit
        17.2  Professional Ethics and Codes of Conduct
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 18  Collecting Audit Evidence收集审计证据
        小案例Mini Case
        18.1  RiskBased Audit
        18.2  Internal Control Systems
        18.3  Understanding the Entity and Its Environment
        18.4  Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement
        18.5  Responding to the Risk Assessment
        18.6  Tests of Controls and Substantive Procedures
        18.7  Sufficient Appropriate Audit Evidence
        18.8  Revenue System
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge
      Chapter 19  External Auditors Report对外审计报告
        小案例Mini Case
        19.1  Types of Audit Opinions and Auditors Report
        19.2  Format and Content of External Auditors Report
        核心词汇Core Words and Expressions
        知识扩展More Knowledge


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