《博弈论与社会契约》是世界著名的英国经济学大师肯·宾默尔的代表著作,被认为会像亚当·斯密的《国富论》一样在人类思想史上留下重要一页。宾默尔把霍布斯、休谟、卢梭、康德、斯密、罗尔斯和哈萨尼这些人类思想史上的巨擘们的基本观点,纯熟地用博弈论模型建构出来并进行比较,以博弈论为系统工具建立了独到的经济伦理思想模型。本书是《博弈论与社会契约》的第1卷:《公平博弈》。 -
Reading Guide
Abstract of Volume Ⅱ
1 A Liberal Leviathan
1.1 Whiggery
1.2 DeKanting Rawls
1.2.1 Hobbes and the State of Nature
1.2.2 Sen and the Rational Fool
1.2.3 Hume and the Social Contract
1.2.4 Schelling and Commitment
1.2.5 Rawls and Utility
1.2.6 Adam Smith and Human Sympathy
1.2.7 Harsanyi and Ideal Observers
1.2.8 Pareto and Mutual Consent
1.2.9 Gauthier and Rational Contracting
1.3 Behemoth and the Market
1.4 Elephants and Donkeys
2 Toying with Tautologies
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Equilibrium
2.2.1 Hawks and Doves
2.2.2 Equilibrium
2.2.3 Prisoners' Dilemma
2.2.4 Means and Ends
2.2.5 Suppose Everyone Behaved Like That?
2.2.6 Games That are Not the Prisoners' Dilemma
2.3 Games and the Social Contract
2.3.1 The State of Nature as a Game
2.3.2 Hunting Stags
2.3.3 Rights and the Liberal Paradox
2.3.4 Arrow's Paradox
2.3.5 Teleology
2.3.6 Jacob's Ladder
2.3.7 Rawls' Two Principles of Justice
2.4 My Dear Sir, Clear Your Mind of Cant!
2.4.1 The Categorical Imperative
2.4.2 Why Obey?
2.4.3 Be Consistent!
2.5 Time and Commitment
2.5.1 Blackmail
2.5.2 Subgame-Perfect Equilibrium
2.6 Really Meaning It
3 Squaring the Circle
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Transparent Disposition Fallacies
3.2.1 "Metagames"
3.2.2 Constrained Maximization
3.2.3 Cheap Talk and Evolution
3.2.4 Cheap Talk and Equilibrium Selection
3.2.5 The Tit-for-Tat Bubble
3.3 The Symmetry Fallacy
3.4 Paradox of the Twins
3.4.1 The Harsanyi Doctrine
3.4.2 Hobbesian Psychology
3.5 Newcomb's Paradox
3.6 Paradox of the Surprise Test
4 Cardinal Comparisons
4.1 Ordinal and Cardinal Utility
4.2 Intrapersonal Comparison of Utility
4.2.1 Probability
4.2.2 Von Neumann and Morgenstern Utility
4.2.3 Intensity of Preference
4.2.4 Teleological Utilitarianism
4.3 Interpersonal Comparison of Utility
4.3.1 Empathetic Preferences
4.3.2 Common Interpersonal Comparisons
4.4 Kant and the Prisoners' Dilemma
4.5 Bayesian Decision Theory
4.6 Rawlsian Maximin
4.7 The Game of Morals
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