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    • 金融建模(以Excel为工具)(英文版)
      • 作者:(美)弗兰克·休·科格三世
      • 出版社:北京大学
      • ISBN:9787301306888
      • 出版日期:2019/10/01
      • 页数:424
    • 售价:27.6
  • 内容大纲

        《金融建模:以Excel为工具(英文版)》基于作者弗兰克·休米·科格三世(Frank Hugh Koger III)所教的同名课程。在书中,作者将建模理论与金融实践相结合,系统、全面地阐释了如何通过Excel工具,建立模型,分析金融问题的方法。具体内容包括投资组合管理、期权、债券、固定收益证券,以及资产定价和风险管理等。书中开篇详细介绍了Excel操作方法及基本的金融知识,使不具备背景知识和Excel技术的读者也能够快速入门。
  • 作者介绍

        弗兰克·休·科格三世(Frank Hugh Koger III),北京大学汇丰商学院教学副教授,特许金融分析师(CFA), 南加利福尼亚大学MBA,杜兰大学金融学博士,研究领域为公司金融与政治、投资学。曾在美国杜兰大学、德国波鸿鲁尔大学及南方科技大学任教,获得北京大学汇丰商学院及北大深圳研究生院杰出教学奖。曾任Filtration集团总经理,德国Hoechst Celanese全球市场开发经理。
  • 目录

    About the Author
    Part I Basics of Excel Functionality
      Chapter 1  Array Functions; Goal Seek; Data Tables
        1.1  Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return
        1.2  Excel Functionality of NPV and IRR
        1.3  Example: NPV and IRR
        1.4  Random Variables, Means, Variances, Correlaton Coefficients
        1.5  Future Conditional Means
        1.6  Uniformly Distributed Random Variable
        1.6.1  Conditional Mean of a Uniformly Distributed RV
        1.6.2  Uniformly Distributed Random Variable: U[0,1
        1.7  Historical Performance Metrics
        1.8  Excel Functionality of Random Variables
        1.9  Example: Uniform Distribution
      Chapter 2  Boolean Functions; Excel's PV Function
        2.1  Bond Cash Flows, Timeline, Price, Yield
        2.2  Excel Functionality of Price-yield Curve
        2.3  Example: Bond Cash Flows and Valuation
        2.4  Normally Distributed Random Variable
        2.5  Standard Normally Distributed RV
        2.6  Excel Functionality of a Normal RV
        2.7  Example: Standard Normal Random Variable
      Chapter 3  Regressions in Excel; Matrix Functions
        3.1  Lognormal Distribution of Stock Price
        3.2  Mean, Variance, Correlation Coefficient
        3.3  Excel Functionality of Lognormal Stock Price
        3.4  Example: Lognormal Stock Price Model
        3.5  Ordinary Least Squares Linear Regression
        3.6  Excel Functionality of Linear Regressions
        3.7  Example: Linear Regression
        3.8  Linear Regression with Three Variables
        3.9  Excel Functionality of Extended Regressions
        3.10  Example: Linear Regression with Multiple Drivers
      Chapter 4  Excel's Amortization Functions; VLOOKUP
        4.1  Loan Amortization Schedule
        4.2  Excel Functionality of a Mortgage Schedule
        4.3  Example: Loan Amortization Schedule
        4.4  Option Payoffs on Expiration Date
        4.5  Excel Functionality of Option Expiration Payoffs
        4.6  Example: Option Payoffs; Nested IFs
        4.7  Matrices
        4.8  Excel Functionality of Matrices
        4.9  Example: Matrix Functions
      Chapter 5  Scatter Plot; Polynomial Regressions
        5.1  Parameter Growth
        5.2  Excel Functionality of Parameter Growth
        5.3  Example: Parameter Growth
        5.4  Effective Annual Rates
        5.5  Timeline

        5.6  Excel Functionality of Effective Annual Rates
        5.7  Polynomial Regression
        5.8  Excel Functionality of Polynomial Regression
        5.9  Example: Polynomial Regression
      Chapter 6  Excel's Solver; Excel's IRR Function
        6.1  Capital Budgeting Revisited
        6.2  Excel Functionality of Solver
        6.3  Example: Capital Budgeting and Solver
        6.4  Identity Matrix
        6.5  Excel Functionality of Identity Matrix
        6.6  Example: Identity Matrix
        6.7  Solver Application: Arbitrage Pricing Theory, APT
        6.7.1  Demanded, Expected and Implied Rates
        6.7.2  APT Continued: How to Make a Profit
        6.7.3  Implementing an Arbitrage Portfolio
        6.7.4  Example: Three Assets, Two Systematic Risk Factors
        6.7.5  Example: Four Assets, Two Systematic Risk Factors
    Part II Absolute Valuation and Portfolio Management
      Chapter 7  Pro-forma Accounting Statements; Firm Value
        7.1  Growth Rate Calculations
        7.2  Historical Relationships: Income Statement
        7.3  Historical Relationships: Balance Sheet
        7.4  Future Pro-forma Statements for DCF Analysis
    Part III Options
    Part IV Bonds


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