此次影印的英文豪华版采用套盒布面精装,不仅值得收藏家和艺术爱好者珍藏,也能满足想要参考、学习原著的读者们的需要。 -
On art and artists
Ⅰ Strange beginnings
Prehistoric and primitive peoples;Ancient America
Ⅱ Art for eternity
Egypt, Mesopotamia, Crete
Ⅲ The great awakening
Greece, seventh to fifih century BC
Ⅳ The realm of beauty
Greece and the Greek world, fourth century BC to first century AD
Ⅴ World conquerors
Romans, Buddhists, Jews and Christians,first to fourth century AD
Ⅵ A parting of ways
Rome and Byzantium, fifth to thirteenth century
Ⅶ Looking eastwards
Islam, China, second to thirteenth century
Ⅷ Western art in the melting pot
Europe, sixth to eleventh century
Ⅸ The Church militant
The twelfth century
Ⅹ The Church triumphant
The thirteenth century
Ⅺ Courtiers and burghers
The fourteenth century
Ⅻ The conquest of reality
The early fifieenth century
ⅩⅢ Tradition and innovation I
The later fifteenth century in Italy
ⅩⅣ Tradition and innovation 1I
The fifteenth century in the North
ⅩⅤ Harmony attained
Tuscany and Rome, early sixteenth century
ⅩⅥ Light and colour
Venice and northern Italy,early sixteenth century
ⅩⅦ The newlearning spreads
Germany and the Netherlands,early sixteenth century
ⅩⅧ Acrisisofart
Europe, later sixteenth century
ⅩⅨ Vision and visions
Catholic Europe, first half of the seventeenth century
ⅩⅩ The mirror of nature
Holland, seventeenth century
ⅩⅪ Power and glory Ⅰ
Italy, later seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
ⅩⅫ Power and glory Ⅱ
France, Germany and Austria, late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
ⅩⅩⅢ The age of reason
England and France, eighteenth century
ⅩⅩⅣ The break in tradition
England, America and France,late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
ⅩⅩⅤ Permanent revolution
The nineteenth century
ⅩⅩⅥ In search of new standards
The late nineteenth century
ⅩⅩⅦ Experimental art
The first half of the twentieth century
ⅩⅩⅧ A story without end
The triumph of Modernism
Another turning of the tide
The changing past
A note on art books
Chronological charts
List of illustrations by location
Index and glossary
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