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    • 植物纤维资源生物加工与利用(高等院校林产化工专业系列教材)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:勇强//余世袁|责编:肖基浒
      • 出版社:中国林业
      • ISBN:9787521903584
      • 出版日期:2019/12/01
      • 页数:240
    • 售价:26.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction
      1.1  Lignocellulose
        1.1.1  Biomass and Bioconversion
        1.1.2  Lignocellulose
        1.1.3  Chemical Composition of Lignocellulose
      1.2  Existing Technologies for Lignocellulose Utilization
        1.2.1  Pulp and Paper
        1.2.2  Ethanol from Wood and Agricultural Residues
        1.2.3  Furfural
        1.2.4  Xylitol
        1.2.5  Turpentine and Rosin
        1.2.6  Tannins
        1.2.7  Activated Carbons
        1.2.8  Heat and Power
      1.3  Biorefinery
    Chapter 2  Components of Lignocellulosic Resources
      2.1  Cellulose
      2.2  Hemicellulose
      2.3  Lignin
      2.4  Extractives
      2.5  Ash
    Chapter 3  Processing and Utilization Technologies of Lignocellulosic Resources
      3.1  The Technical Principle of Lignocellulose Utilization
        3.1.1  Combllstinn
        3.1.2  Gasification
        3.1.3  Liquefaction
        3.1.4  Pyrolysis
        3.1.5  Biochemical Conversion
      3.2  Main Bioproducts and Application
        3.2.1  C6 and C5/C6 Sugar Platform
        3.2.2  Lignin Platform
        3.2.3  Furfural Production and Applications
        3.2.4  Ethanol
        3.2.5  Furfural
        3.2.6  Nanoffber
    Chapter 4  Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Resources
      4.1  Steam Explosion Pretreatment
        4.1.1  Mode of Action
        4.1.2  Main Processes and Applications
      4.2  Liquid Hot Water Pretreatment
        4.2.1  Mode of Action
        4.2.2  Main Processes and Applications
      4.3  Acid Pretreatment
        4.3.1  Mode of Action
        4.3.2  Main Processes and Applications
      4.4  Alkali Pretreatment

        4.4.1  Mode of Action
        4.4.2  Main Processes and Applications
      4.5  Ionic Liquids Pretreatment
        4.5.1  Mode of Action
        4.5.2  Main Processes and Applications
      4.6  Biological Pretreatment
        4.6.1  Mode of Action
        4.6.2  Main Processes and Applications
      4.7  Conclusions and Future Perspectives
    Chapter 5  Cellulases and Their Applications
      5.1  Cellulases and Microorganisms
    Chapter 6  Hemicellulase and Its Applications
    Chapter 7  Bio-based Fuel, Chemicals and Materials Derived from Lignocellulosic Resources
    Chapter 8  Fermentation Technologies of Lignocellulosic Enzymatic Hydrolyzate
    Chapter 9  Functional Polysaccharides and Oligosaccharides
    Chapter 10  Lignin: Application and Biodegradation
    Chapter 11  Conversion and Utilization of Plant Extracts
    Chapter 12  System Integration Technologies of Lignocellulosic Resources Biorefineries


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