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    • 民航英语口语(新起航大学英语系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:刘长江|责编:臧燕阳
      • 出版社:上海交大
      • ISBN:9787313228642
      • 出版日期:2020/04/01
      • 页数:170
    • 售价:18
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1 Preparations for Air Travel
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: What about the aviation industry in 2025?
    Unit 2 Ticket Service
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: What is so far the best aircraft?
    Unit 3 Check-in Service
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: What about the China-made large aircraft project? ..
    Unit 4 Luggage Service
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: What is the world's biggest airport?
    Unit 5 Security Check
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: What is the world's highest airport?
    Unit 6 Boarding
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: Which runaway is the shortest in the world?
    Unit 7 Transferring at the Airport
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: Why is flying so expensive?
    Unit 8 Tax Refund, Shopping and Eating at the Airport
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: How do budget airlines work?
    Unit 9 Pre-flight Service
    Part I Useful Expressions

    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: Why are planes painted white?
    Unit I0 Security Guidance Before Take-off
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: Why are airplane seats almost always blue?
    Unit 11 Services in the Cabin
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part lII Aviation lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: What are the items in a pilot's bag?
    Unit 12 Dealing with In-flight Emergencies
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: How do we monitor all the planes in the sky? "
    Unit 13 Filling out Entry Card and Customs Declaration
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: How are airline meals made?
    Unit 14 Landing and Arrival
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: Where do air planes go to die?
    Unit 15 Claiming Luggage
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: Where is MH 370.9
    Unit 16 Customs Check
    Part I Useful Expressions
    Part II Situational Dialogues and Announcements
    Part III Aviation Lecture
    Part IV VR Experiencing
    Part V Secret Exploring: How safe is air travel?


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