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    • 美术馆(2前行与实践)
      • 作者:编者:王绍强|责编:张红婴
      • 出版社:岭南美术
      • ISBN:9787536266315
      • 出版日期:2018/12/01
      • 页数:179
    • 售价:39.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

      The management and usage of collections under the context of museum ethics—
      thinking about the relevant work of the National Art Museum of China
      From the Real to the Virtuah the Spatiality of the Museum on its Website
      Study on the Restoration and Protection Method of Early Paper Oil Paintings in Lingnan:
      Area—A Case Study of Liang Xihong's Paintings from Collection of the Guangdong Museum of Art
      图像证史  岁月岭南——揭秘“其命惟新——广东美术百年大展”的文化视角和策展理念
      Images as Historical Evidence of Lingnan:
      Cultural Perspective and Curation Concept of Reform Misslon-Guangdong Art Centennial
      Feng Boyi:There is no'‘international curator”
      Institutional typologies that define exhibition terminology
      Toward sustainable museum education practices:confronting challenges and uncertainties
      Oakland Museum of California:including a diverse public
      Considering the Museum Experience of Children with Autism
      Exclusive Interview Series on the 20th Anniversary of Guangdong Museum of Art
      Guangdong Museum of Art and Me
      The Stories that Happened on the Ersha Island
      The Story of“Editorial Department”and“The Moving Office"
      Symposium on the Guangdong Art Centennial Exhibition
      Academic Symposium on the 20th Anniversary of Guangdong Museum of Art-Contemporary
       Curatorial Mechanism and Cultural Construction
      Academic Symposium on the 20th Anniversary of Guangdong Museum of Art-Chinese Modern
       Art and Guangdong Phenomenon


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