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    • 原子及分子与光的相互作用--激光时代的原子物理(影印版)(英文版)/引进系列/中外物理学精品书系
      • 作者:(荷)彼得·范德施特拉滕//(美)哈罗德·梅特卡夫|责编:刘啸
      • 出版社:北京大学
      • ISBN:9787301314074
      • 出版日期:2020/08/01
      • 页数:515
    • 售价:46.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part I Atom-light interaction
    The classical physics pathway
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Damped harmonic oscillator
    1.3 The damped driven oscillator
    1.4 The Bohr model
    1.5 de Broglie waves
    Appendix 1.A Damping force on an accelerating charge
    Appendix 1.B Hanle effect
    Appendix 1.C Optical tweezers
    2 Interaction of two-level atoms and light
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Quantum mechanical view of driven optical transitions
    2.3 Rabi oscillations
    2.4 The dressed atom picture
    2.5 The Bloch vector and Bloch sphere
    Appendix 2.A Pauli matrices for motion of the Bloch vector
    Appendix 2.B The Ramsey method
    Appendix 2.C Echoes and interferometry
    Appendix 2.D Adiabatic rapid passage
    Appendix 2.E Superposition and entanglement
    3 The atom-light interaction
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 The three primary approximations
    3.3 Light fields of finite spectral width
    3.4 Oscillator strength
    3.5 Selection rules
    Appendix 3.A Proof of the oscillator strength theorem
    Appendix 3.B Electromagnetic fields
    Appendix 3.C The dipole approximation
    Appendix 3.D Time resolved fluorescence from multilevel atoms
    4 "Forbidden" transitions
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Extending the electric dipole approximation
    4.3 Extending the perturbation approximation
    Appendix 4.A Higher-order approximations
    5 Spontaneous emission
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Einstein A- and B-coefficients
    5.3 Discussion of this semi-classical description
    5.4 The Wigner-Weisskopf model
    Appendix 5.A The quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator
    Appendix 5.B Field quantization
    Appendix 5.C Alternative theories to QED
    6 The density matrix
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Basic concepts
    6.3 The optical Bloch equations
    6.4 Power broadening and saturation

    Appendix 6.A The Liouville-von Neumann equation
    Part II Internal structure
    7 The hydrogen atom
    7.1 Introduction
    7.2 The Hamiltonian of hydrogen
    7.3 Solving the angular part
    7.4 Solving the radial part
    7.5 The scale of atoms
    7.6 Optical transitions in hydrogen
    Appendix 7.A Center-of-mass motion
    Appendix 7.B Coordinate systems
    Appendix 7.C Commuting operators
    Appendix 7.D Matrix elements of the radial wavefunctions
    8 Fine structure
    8.1 Introduction
    8.2 The relativistic mass term
    8.3 The fine-structure "spin-orbit" term
    8.4 The Darwin term
    8.5 Summary of fine structure
    8.6 The Dirac equation
    8.7 The Lamb shift
    Appendix 8.A The Sommerfeld fine-structure constant
    Appendix 8.B Measurements of the fine structure
    Effects of the nucleus
    9.1 Introduction
    9.2 Motion, size, and shape of the nucleus
    9.3 Nuclear magnetism - hyperfine structure
    Appendix 9.A Interacting magnetic dipoles
    Appendix 9.B Hyperfine structure for two spin- 1/2 particles
    Appendix 9.C The hydrogen maser
    10 The alkali-metal atoms
    10.1 Introduction
    10.2 Quantum defect theory
    10.3 Non-penetrating orbits
    10.4 Model potentials
    10.5 Optical transitions in alkali-metal atoms
    Appendix 10.A Quantum defects for the alkalis
    Appendix 10.B Numerov method
    11 Atoms in magnetic fields
    11.1 Introduction
    11.2 The Hamiltonian for the Zeeman effect
    11.3 Zeeman shifts in the presence of the spin-orbit interaction
    Appendix 11.A The ground state of atomic hydrogen
    Appendix 11.B Positronium
    Appendix 11.C The non-crossing theorem
    Appendix 11.D Passage through an anti-crossing: Landau-Zener
    12 Atoms in electric fields
    12.1 Introduction
    12.2 Electric field shifts in spherical coordinates

    12.3 Electric field shifts in parabolic coordinates
    12.4 Summary
    13 Rydherg atoms
    13.1 Introduction
    13.2 The Bohr model and quantum defects again
    13.3 Rydberg atoms in external fields
    13.4 Experimental description
    13.5 Some results of Rydberg spectroscopy
    14 The helium atom
    14.1 Introduction
    14.2 Symmetry
    14.3 The Hamiltonian for helium
    14.4 Variational methods
    14.5 Doubly excited states
    Appendix 14.A Variational calculations
    Appendix 14.B Detail on the variational calculations of the
    ground state
    15 The periodic system of the elements
    15.1 The independent particle model
    15.2 The Pauli symmetrization principle
    15.3 The "Aufbau" principle
    15.4 Coupling of many-electron atoms
    15.5 Hund's rules
    15.6 Hartree-Fock model
    15.7 The Periodic Table
    Appendix 15.A Paramagnetism
    Appendix 15.B The color of gold
    16 Molecules
    16.1 Introduction
    16.2 A heuristic description
    16.3 Quantum description of nuclear motion
    16.4 Bonding in molecules
    16.5 Electronic states of molecules
    16.6 Optical transitions in molecules
    Appendix 16.A Morse potential
    17 Binding in the hydrogen molecule
    17.1 The hydrogen molecular ion
    17.2 The molecular orbital approach to H2
    17.3 The valence bond approach to H2
    17.4 Improving the methods
    17.5 Nature of the HE bond
    Appendix 17.A Confocal elliptical coordinates
    Appendix 17.B One-electron, two-center integrals
    Appendix 17.C Electron-electron interaction in molecular hydrogen
    18 Ultra-cold chemistry
    18.1 Introduction
    18.2 Long-range molecular potentials
    18.3 LeRoy-Bernstein method
    18.4 Scattering theory
    18.5 The scattering length

    18.6 Feshbach molecules
    Part III Applications
    19 Optical forces and laser cooling
    19.1 Two kinds of optical forces
    19.2 Low-intensity laser light pressure
    19.3 Atomic beam slowing and collimation
    19.4 Optical molasses
    19.5 Temperature limits
    19.6 Experiments in three-dimensional optical molasses
    19.7 Cooling below the Doppler temperature
    20 Confinement of neutral atoms
    20.1 Dipole force optical traps
    20.2 Magnetic traps
    20.3 Magneto-optical traps
    20.4 Optical lattices
    21 Bose--Einstein condensation
    21.1 Introduction
    21.2 The road to BEC
    21.3 Quantum statistics
    21.4 Mean-field description of the condensate
    21.5 Interference of two condensates
    21.6 Quantum hydrodynamics
    21.7 The superfluid-Mott insulator transition
    Appendix 21.A Distribution functions
    Appendix 21.B Density of states
    22 Cold molecules
    22.1 Slowing, cooling, and trapping molecules
    22.2 Stark slowing of molecules
    22.3 Buffer gas cooling
    22.4 Binding cold atoms into molecules
    22.5 A case study: photo-association spectroscopy
    23 Three-level systems
    23.1 Introduction
    23.2 The spontaneous and stimulated Raman effects
    23.3 Coherent population trapping
    23.4 Autler-Townes and EIT
    23.5 Stimulated rapid adiabatic passage
    23.6 Slow light
    23.7 Observations and measurements
    Appendix 23.A General case for □(数理化公式)
    24 Fundamental physics
    24.1 Precision measurements and QED
    24.2 Variation of the constants
    24.3 Exotic atoms and antimatter
    24.4 Bell inequalities
    24.5 Parity violation and the anapole moment
    24.6 Measuring zero
    Part IV Appendix
    Appendix A Notation and definitions
    Appendix B Units and notation

    Appendix C Angular momentum in quantum mechanics
    Appendix D Transition strengths


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