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    • 计算机系统概论(英文版原书第3版)/经典原版书库
      • 作者:(美)耶尔·N.帕特//桑杰·J.帕特尔|责编:曲熠
      • 出版社:机械工业
      • ISBN:9787111666318
      • 出版日期:2020/10/01
      • 页数:772
    • 售价:55.6
  • 内容大纲

        本书是面向计算机科学相关专业新生的计算机系统基础教材,包括两方面的内容:前半部分讲解计算机底层结构,引入LC-3 ISA并提供配套的模拟器,主要涵盖数据类型、数字逻辑、冯·诺依曼模型、汇编语言、数据结构、I/O等内容;后半部分采用C/C++语言讲解编程,主要涵盖变量、控制结构、指针、数组、递归等内容,强调编程方法学,通过软硬件结合理解程序语言的底层实现。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1 Welcome Aboard
      1.1  What We Will Tryto Do
      1.2  How We Will Get There
      1.3  Two Recurring Themes
        1.3.1  The Notion of Abstraction
        1.3.2  Hardware vs. Software
      1.4  A Computer System
        1.4.1  A (Very) Little History for a(Lot) Better Perspective
        1.4.2  The Parts of a Computer System
      1.5  Two Very Important Ideas
      1.6  Computersas Universal Computational Devices
      1.7  How Do We Getthe Electrons to Do the Work?
        1.7.1  The Statement of the Problem
        1.7.2  The Algorithm
        1.7.3  The Program
        1.7.4  The ISA
        1.7.5  The Microarchitecture
        1.7.6  The Logic Circuit
        1.7.7  The Devices
    2 Bits, Data Types, and Operations
      2.1  Bits and Data Types
        2.1.1  The Bitas the Unit of Information
        2.1.2  Data Types
      2.2  Integer Data Types
        2.2.1  Unsigned Integers
        2.2.2  Signed Integers
      2.3  2’s Complement Integers
      2.4  Conversion Between Binary and Decimal
        2.4.1  Binary to Decimal Conversion
        2.4.2  Decimal to Binary Conversion
        2.4.3  Extending Conversion to Numbers with Fractional Parts
      2.5  Operations on Bits—Part I: Arithmetic
        2.5.1  Addition and Subtraction
        2.5.2  Sign-Extension
        2.5.3  Overflow
      2.6  Operations on Bits—Part II:Logical Operations
        2.6.1  ALogical Variable
        2.6.2  The AND Function
        2.6.3  The OR Function
        2.6.4  The NOT Function
        2.6.5  The Exclusive-OR Function
        2.6.6  De Morgan’s Laws
        2.6.7  The Bit Vector
      2.7  Other Representations
        2.7.1  Floating Point Data Type (Greater Range, Less Precision)
        2.7.2  ASCII Codes
        2.7.3  Hexadecimal Notation

    3 Digital Logic Structures
      3.1  The Transistor
      3.2  Logic Gates
        3.2.1  The NOT Gate (Inverter)
        3.2.2  OR and NOR Gates
        3.2.3  Why We Can’t Simply Connect P-Type to Ground
        3.2.4  AND and NAND Gates
        3.2.5  Gates with More Than Two Inputs
      3.3  Combinational Logic Circuits
        3.3.1  Decoder
        3.3.2  Mux
        3.3.3  A One-Bit Adder (a.k.a.a Full Adder)
    4 The von Neumann Model
    5 The LC
    6 PrOgramminq
    7 Assembly Language
    8 Data Structures
    9 I
    10 A Calculator
    11 Introduction to C/C++ Programming
    12 Variables and Operators
    13 Control Structures
    14 Functions
    15 Testing and Debugging
    16 Pointers and Arrays
    17 Recursion
    18 I/O in C
    19 Dynamic Data Structures in C
    20 I ntrod uction to C
    A The LC-3 lSA
    B From LC-3 to x
    C The MiCrOarchitecture Of the LC-
    D The C PrOgramming Language
    E UsefuI Tables
    F Solutions to Selected Exercises