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    • 模式分析的核方法(英文版)
      • 作者:(英)约翰·肖·泰勒//内洛·克里斯蒂安尼尼|责编:陈亮//夏丹
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787519277024
      • 出版日期:2020/09/01
      • 页数:462
    • 售价:51.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    List of code fragments
    Part Ⅰ  Basic concepts
      1  Pattern analysis
        1.1  Patterns in data
        1.2  Pattern analysis algorithms
        1.3  Exploiting patterns
        1.4  Summary
        1.5  Further reading and advanced topics
      2  Kernel methods: an overview
        2.1  The overall picture
        2.2  Linear regression in a feature space
        2.3  Other examples
        2.4  The modularity of kernel methods
        2.5  Roadmap of the book
        2.6  Summary
        2.7  Further reading and advanced topics
      3  Properties of kernels
        3.1  Inner products and positive semi-definite matrices
        3.2  Characterisation of kernels
        3.3  The kernel matrix
        3.4  Kernel construction
        3.5  Summary
        3.6  Further reading and advanced topics
      4  Detecting stable patterns
        4.1  Concentration inequalities
        4.2  Capacity and regularisation: Rademacher theory
        4.3  Pattern stability for kernel-based classes
        4.4  A pragmatic approach
        4.5  Summary
        4.6  Further reading and advanced topics
    Part Ⅱ  Pattern analysis algorithms
      5  Elementary algorithms in feature space
        5.1  Means and distances
        5.2  Computing projections: Gram-Schmidt, QR and Cholesky
        5.3  Measuring the spread of the data
        5.4  Fisher discriminant analysis Ⅰ
        5.5  Summary
        5.6  Further reading and advanced topics
      6  Pattern analysis using eigen-decompositions
        6.1  Singular value decomposition
        6.2  Principal components analysis
        6.3  Directions of maximum covariance
        6.4  The generalised eigenvector problem
        6.5  Canonical correlation analysis
        6.6  Fisher discriminant analysis Ⅱ
        6.7  Methods for linear regression
        6.8  Summary
        6.9  Further reading and advanced topics
      7  Pattern analysis using convex Optimisation

        7.1  The smallest enclosing hypersphere
        7.2  Support vector machines for classification
        7.3  Support vector machines for regression
        7.4  On-line classification and regression
        7.5  Summary
        7.6  Further reading and advanced topics
      8  Ranking, clustering and data Visualisation
        8.1  Discovering rank relations
        8.2  Discovering cluster structure in a fleature space
        8.3  Data visualisation
        8.4  Summary
        8.5  Further reading and advanced topics
    Part Ⅲ  Constructing kernels
      9  Basic kernels and kernel types
        9.1  Kernels in closed form
        9.2  ANOVA kernels
        9.3  Kernels from graphs
        9.4  Diffusion kernels on graph nodes
        9.5  Kernels on sets
        9.6  Kernels on real numbers
        9.7  Randomised kernels
        9.8  Other kernel types
        9.9  Summary
        9.10  Further reading and advanced topics
      10  Kernels for text
        10.1  From bag of words to semantic space
        10.2  Vactor space kernels
        10.3  Summary
        10.4  Further reading and advanced topics
      11  Kernels for structured data: strings, trees, etc.
        11.1  Comparing strings and sequences
        11.2  Spectrum kernels
        11.3  All-subseauences kernels
        11.4  Fixed length subsequences kernels
        11.5  Gap-weighted subsequences kernels
        11.6  Beyond dynamic programming: trie-based kernels
        11.7  Kernels for structured data
        11.8  Summary
        11.9  Further reading and advanced topics
      12  Kernels from generative models
        12.1  P-kernels
        12.2  Fisher kernels
        12.3  Summary
        12.4  Further reading and advanced topics
    Appendix A  Proofs omitted from the main text
    Appendix B  Notational conventions
    Appendix C  List of pattern analysis methods
    Appendix D  List of kernels