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    • 国际金融组织贷款建设项目管理实务(土木与交通类专业双语教学专用教材)
      • 作者:编者:杨光辉|责编:李瑞
      • 出版社:人民交通
      • ISBN:9787114168918
      • 出版日期:2021/01/01
      • 页数:307
    • 售价:24
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  International Financial Institutions and Their Projects
      1.1  Introduction to International Financial Institutions
      1.2  Projects Financing Mechanisms
      1.3  International Financial Institutions Financed Project
    Chapter 2  Fundamental Knowledge of Project Management
      2.1  What is a Project?
      2.2  What is Project Management?
      2.3  Project Stakeholders
      2.4  Project Team Management
      2.5  Project Organization
      2.6  Project Management Knowledge Area
    Chapter 3  Project Management Process
      3.1  Introduction to Project Cycle and Management Process
      3.2  Capital Construction Process in China
      3.3  Project Cycle of WB/ADB Financed Project
    Chapter 4  Loan Application
      4.1  Introduction
      4.2  Loan Planning Stage
      4.3  Project Identification and Preparation
      4.4  Project Review and Appraisal of Intemational Loan Institutions
      4.5  Loan Negotiation and Approval
    Chapter 5  Project Procurement Management
      5.1  Procurement of Works, Goods and Non-consulting Services
      5.2  Consultants Recruitment
    Chapter 6  Project Implementation Management
      6.1  Introduction
      6.2  Project Administration and Supervision of the International Loan Institutions
      6.3  Project Performance and Progress Management
      6.4  Loan Disbursement
      6.5  Project Auditing
      6.6  Contract Management
      6.7  Case Study
    Chapter 7  Post-project Management
      7.1  Project Evaluation
      7.2  Payment of Loan


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