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    • 新供给主义经济学(英文版)
      • 作者:滕泰|责编:文芳//陈丝纶|译者:李若曦//李岩
      • 出版社:外文
      • ISBN:9787119125510
      • 出版日期:2020/12/01
      • 页数:206
    • 售价:51.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Foreword Ⅰ
    Foreword Ⅱ
    Addressing a State Council Seminar
    Chapter Ⅰ New Supply Creates New Demand
      I.Supply Meets Demand in the Old Market and Creates Demand in the New Market
      Ⅱ. New Supply Creates New Demand
    Chapter Ⅱ Growth Model of New Supply Economics
      Ⅰ. Five Wealth Sources: Preconditions, Factors, and Driving Forces
      Ⅱ. Supply-side Growth Models
      Ⅲ. Potential Economic Growth Driven by New Supply
    Chapter Ⅲ Changes in the Supply Structure Behind Economic Cycles
      Ⅰ. Different Endogenous Economic Cycle Theories
      Ⅱ. Supply Structure Changes Behind Economic Cycles
    Chapter Ⅳ Reforming and Upgrading Supply Structure
      Ⅰ. Replacement of Ageing Supply by New Supply
      Ⅱ. Proper Role of Government in Supply Structural Transition
    Chapter Ⅴ Deregulation: Removing Supply Constraints from Administrative Controls
    Chapter Ⅵ Tax Cuts: Removing the Supply Constraints of High Taxation
    Chapter Ⅶ Bfeaking Up Administrative Monopoly: Removing
      Constraints on Competition
    Chapter Ⅷ Removing Constraints on Factor Supply
      Ⅰ. New Dividends: Removing Factor Supply Constraints
      Ⅱ. How to Remove Constralnts on Labor Supply
      Ⅲ. How to Remove Constraints on Capital Supply
      Ⅳ. How to Remove Constraints on Land Supply
    Chapter Ⅸ Removing Constraints on Technology Supply
      Ⅰ. New Dividends Through Removing Technology Supply Constraints
      Ⅱ. How to Remove Constraints on Technology Supply
    Chapter Ⅹ Removing Constraints on Institutional Changes
      Ⅰ. New Dividends by Removing Constraints on Institutional Changes
      Ⅱ. How to Remove Constraints on Institu Uonal Changes
    Chapter Ⅺ Supply Shocks on Price Fluctuations
      Ⅰ. Supply Shock: The Impact of Raw Material Costs on Prices
      Ⅱ. Supply Shock: The Impact of Labor Costs on Prices
      Ⅲ. Impact of Supply Cycle - Price Changes in Agricultural Products
      Ⅳ Impact of Supply Structure Upgfade and Other Factors on Prices
      Ⅴ Price Control Policies of New Supply Economics
    Chapter Ⅻ Income Distribution Based on Supply-side Contributions
      Ⅰ. Income Distribution Based on Supply-side Contributions
      Ⅱ. Income Distribution Based on Factor Costs and Scarcity
      Ⅲ. An Income Distribution Mode Balancing Efficiency and Equality


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