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    • 冲突碰撞与趋同下的中西文化(21世纪英语专业系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:祝吉芳|责编:李娜
      • 出版社:北京大学
      • ISBN:9787301272718
      • 出版日期:2016/07/01
      • 页数:309
    • 售价:23.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part Ⅰ East and West
    Unit 1 Why Contrasting Chinese and Western Cultures?
      Ⅰ Ancient Civilizations and Cultures
      Ⅱ Cross-cultural Comparative Studies in China
      Ⅲ Ⅰmperatives for Contrasting Chinese and Western Cultures
      Ⅳ Key Concepts
    Unit 2 Traditional Characteristics of Chinese and Western Cultures
      Ⅰ "There Are All Kinds of Birds When a Forest Gets Large
      Ⅱ Traditional Chinese Cultural Characteristics
      Ⅲ Traditional Western Cultural Characteristics
    Unit 3 Affinities Across Cultures
      Ⅰ An Unexpected Affinity
      Ⅱ Reading for More Cultural Affinities
      Ⅲ Key Concepts
    Part Ⅱ Cultural Differences in Silent Languages
    Unit 4 Time
      Ⅰ Time in China and the West
      Ⅱ Two Time Modes
      Ⅲ Past-oriented Societies vs. Future-oriented Societies
      Ⅳ Two Time Orientations
    Unit 5 Space
      Ⅰ Spatial Language
      Ⅱ Spatial Language and Culotte
      Ⅲ Spatial Language and Life
      Ⅳ Changes We Cannot Afford
    Unit 6 Smiles, Nods and Silence
      Ⅰ Smiles
      Ⅱ Nods
      Ⅲ Silence
    Part Ⅲ Cultural Differences in Thinking
    Unit 7 Intuitive vs. Logical Thinking
      Ⅰ Definitions of Intuitive and Logical Thinking
      Ⅱ Philosophy and Thinking
      Ⅲ Application of Two Thinking Modes
      Ⅳ Impact of Thinking Modes on Writings
      Ⅴ Logic in China and Intuition in the West
    Unit 8 Dialectical vs. Analytical Reasoning
      Ⅰ Proverb Preferences Across Cultures
      Ⅱ Dialectical Reasoning
      Ⅲ Analytical Reasoning
      Ⅳ More About Two Reasoning Modes
    Unit 9 Holistie vs. Atomistic Visions
      Ⅰ A Detention Room Ⅰncident
      Ⅱ Prominent Attributes of Holistic and Atomistic Visions
      Ⅲ Vision and Cognition
      Ⅳ Vision and Language
      Ⅴ Zhengshan Xiaozhong and Lipton Black Tea
    Unit 10 Categorizing Objects by Relationships vs. by Attributes
      Ⅰ Two Ways to Categorize One Person

      Ⅱ Principles to Categorize Objects
      Ⅲ How to Categorize Objects and Why
      Ⅳ Impacts of Different Ways of Categorization
      Ⅴ Causal Attribution Differences Arising out of Different Categorization Ways
    Unit 11 Non-controllers vs. Controllers
      Ⅰ Too Early to Tell
      Ⅱ Why So Different Stances Towards Life?
      Ⅲ "Being" and "Doing" Cultures
      ⅣManifestations of "Being" Culture and "Doing" Culture
    Part Ⅳ Different Cultural Orientations
    Unit 12 The Introvert-oriented vs. the Extrovert-oriented
      Ⅰ Personality Types
      Ⅱ Personality Types of Cultures
      Ⅲ Effects of Personality Types on Pattern Preferences
      Ⅳ A Contrast of Cultural Phenomena
      Ⅴ The Trend of the Introvert-oriented Culture
    Unit 13 Collectivism vs. Individualism
      Ⅰ An Embarrassing Habit
      Ⅱ Collectivism and Individualism as Cultural Orientations
      Ⅲ Collectivism and Individualism in Cultural Anthropology
      Ⅳ Collectivist and Individualist Perspectives of "Self"
      Ⅴ Interdependence vs. Independence
    Unit 14 Femininity vs. Masculinity
      Ⅰ Gender Traits
      Ⅱ Feminine Chinese Culture
      Ⅲ Masculine Western Culture
      Ⅳ Why So Different?
      Ⅴ The Trend of Cultures and Its Potential Impact
    Unit 15 Advocacy of Jing vs. Dong
      Ⅰ Introduction to Two Concepts
      Ⅱ Jing Advocacy of China
      Ⅲ Dong Advocacy of the West
      Ⅳ Differences and Discomforts
    Unit 16 Ⅰmplicitness vs. Explicitness
      Ⅰ "Half a Story"
      Ⅱ Implicitness and Explicitness of Language
      Ⅲ Implicit Chinese
      Ⅳ Explicit Westerners
      Ⅴ High Context vs. Low Context
      Ⅵ "Chicken and Duck Talk"
    Part V Different Cultural Standards
    Unit 17 Peace vs. Conflict
      Ⅰ Great Names and Different Cultural Standards
      Ⅱ External Factors and Cultural Standards
      Ⅲ Cultural Standards and Their Unique Products
      Ⅳ Better Ways to Know Each Other
    Unit 18 Egalitarian and Inegalitarian Distribution
      Ⅰ Hate-the-rich Mentality
      Ⅱ Chinese-style Egalitarianism
      Ⅲ Western-style Inegalitarianism

      Ⅳ Egalitarianism and Inegalitarianism in China and the West
    Unit 19 Good vs. Evil Human Nature
      Ⅰ Key Concepts
      Ⅱ Human Nature and Education
      Ⅲ Theorization of Assumptions About Human Nature
      Ⅳ Human Nature Theories and the Rule of Ethics vs. Law
    Unit 20 Rule of Individuals vs. Rule of Law
      Ⅰ An Unexpected Complaint
      Ⅱ Rule of Individuals in Traditional Chinese Thought
      Ⅲ Rule of Law in Western Thought
      Ⅳ Rule of Law in China


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