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    • 货币银行和金融市场(来华留学生英文授课精编教材)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:丁国平|责编:吴小娟
      • 出版社:江苏大学
      • ISBN:9787568415194
      • 出版日期:2021/03/01
      • 页数:350
    • 售价:26.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Currency and Banking of China
      1.1  Currency and business cycle
        1.1.1  Definition of currency
        1.1.2  Currency and business cycle
      1.2  Evolution of the banking industry
        1.2.1  Historical evolution of the banking industry
        1.2.2  Organizational form of commercial banks
      1.3 Development achievements of China’s financial industry
        1.3.l The development history of China’s financial industry
        1.3.2  The development status of China’s financial industry
    Chapter 2 Financial System
      2.1  Financial market
        2.1.1  Financial market and its elements
        2.1.2  Basic functions Of financial market
        2.1.3  Types of financial markets
      2.2  Financial intermediaries competition between markets and intermediaries
        2.2.1  Financial intermediary market
        2.2.2  Financial intermediary system in western countries
        2.2.3  China’s financial intermediary system
        2.2.4  Competition among financial intermediaries
      2.3  Financial supervision and practice in China
        2.3.1  Financial regulation
        2.3.2  The practice of financial supervision in China
    Chapter 3 Money
      3.1  The concept and function of money
        3.1.1  The concept of money
        3.1.2  Functions of money
      3.2  Evolution of the payment system
        3.2.1  Commodity money
        3.2.2  Fiat money
        3.2.3  Check
        3.2.4  Electronic payment
        3.2.5  Electronic money
        3.2.6  Digital currency
      3.3  Measuring money
        3.3.1  Necessity and basis for money division and measurement
    Chapter 4  Interest Rate Measurement
    Chapter 5  Financial Structure,Transaction Costs and Information Asymmetry
    Chapter 6 Banking Management
    Chapter 7 Financial Innovation and Structure
    Chapter 8 Financial Regulatory Economics
    Chapter 9 The Form and Functions of the Central Bank
    Chapter 10 Money Supply Process and Money Multiplier
    Chapter 11  Monetary Policy Tools
    Chapter 12 Money Demand
    Chapter 13 Foreign Exchange
    Chapter 14 International Monetary Regimes


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