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    • 金属与合金的相变(第3版)(英文版)
      • 作者:(芬)D.A.波特//(英)K.E.伊斯特林//(荷)M.Y.谢里夫|责编:夏丹
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787519283193
      • 出版日期:2021/04/01
      • 页数:520
    • 售价:47.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Preface to the Third Edition
    Preface to the Second Edition
    Preface to the First Edition
    1  Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams
      1.1  Equilibrium
      1.2  Single Component Systems
        1.2.1  Gibbs Free Energy as a Function of Temperature
        1.2.2  Pressure Effects
        1.2.3  The Driving Force for Solidification
      1.3  Binary Solutions
        1.3.1  The Gibbs Free Energy of Binary Solutions
        1.3.2  Ideal Solutions
        1.3.3  Chemical Potential
        1.3.4  Regular Solutions
        1.3.5  Activity
        1.3.6  Real Solutions
        1.3.7  Ordered Phases
        1.3.8  Intermediate Phases
      1.4  Equilibrium in Heterogeneous Systems
      1.5  Binary Phase Diagrams
        1.5.1  A Simple Phase Diagram
        1.5.2  Systems with a Miscibility Gap
        1.5.3  Ordered Alloys
        1.5.4  Simple Eutectic Systems
        1.5.5  Phase Diagrams Containing Intermediate Phases
        1.5.6  The Gibbs Phase Rule
        1.5.7  The Effect of Temperature on Solid Solubility
        1.5.8  Equilibrium Vacancy Concentration
      1.6  The Influence of Interfaces on Equilibrium
      1.7  Ternary Equilibrium
      1.8  Additional Thermodynamic Relationships for Binary Solutions
      1.9  Computation of Phase Diagrams
        1.9.1  Pure Stoichiometric Substances
        1.9.2  Solution Phases
  Substitutional Solutions
      1.10  The Kinetics of Phase Transformations
      Further Reading
    2  Diffusion
      2.1  Atomic Mechanisms of Diffusion
      2.2  Interstitial Diffusion
        2.2.1  Interstitial Diffusion as a Random Jump Process
        2.2.2  Effect of Temperature—Thermal Activation
        2.2.3  Steady-State Diffusion
        2.2.4  Nonsteady-State Diffusion
        2.2.5  Solutions to the Diffusion Equation
      2.3  Substitutional Diffusion
        2.3.1  Self-Diffusion
        2.3.2  Vacancy Diffusion

        2.3.3  Diffusion in Substitutional Alloys
        2.3.4  Diffusion in Dilute Substitutional Alloys
      2.4  Atomic Mobility
      2.5  Tracer Diffusion in Binary Alloys
      2.6  Diffusion in Ternary Alloys
      2.7  High-Diffusivity Paths
        2.7.1  Diffusion along Grain Boundaries and Free Surfaces
        2.7.2  Diffusion along Dislocations
      2.8  Diffusion in Multiphase Binary Systems
      Further Reading
    3  Crystal Interfaces and Microstructure
      3.1  Interfacial Free Energy
      3.2  Solid/Vapour Interfaces
      3.3  Boundaries in Single-Phase Solids
        3.3.1  Low-Angle and High-Angle Boundaries
        3.3.2  Special High-Angle Grain Boundaries
        3.3.3  Equilibrium in Polycrystalline Materials
        3.3.4  Thermally Activated Migration of Grain Boundaries
        3.3.5  The Kinetics of Grain Growth
      3.4  Interphase Interfaces in Solids
        3.4.1  Interface Coherence
        3.4.2  Second-Phase Shape: Interfacial Energy Effects
        3.4.3  Second-Phase Shape: Misfit Strain Effects
        3.4.4  Coherency Loss
        3.4.5  Glissile Interfaces
        3.4.6  Solid/Liquid Interfaces
      3.5  Interface Migration
        3.5.1  Diffusion-Controlled and Interface-Controlled Growth
      Further Reading
    4  Solidification
      4.1  Nucleation in Pure Metals
        4.1.1  Homogeneous Nucleation
        4.1.2  The Homogeneous Nucleation Rate
        4.1.3  Heterogeneous Nucleation
        4.1.4  Nucleation of Melting
      4.2  Growth of a Pure Solid
        4.2.1  Continuous Growth
        4.2.2  Lateral Growth
        4.2.3  Heat Flow and Interface Stability
      4.3  Alloy Solidification
        4.3.1  Solidification of Single-Phase Alloys
        4.3.2  Eutectic Solidification
        4.3.3  Off-Eutectic Alloys
        4.3.4  Peritectic Solidification
      4.4  Solidification of Ingots and Castings
        4.4.1  Ingot Structure

        4.4.2  Segregation in Ingots and Castings
        4.4.3  Continuous Casting
      4.5  Solidification of Fusion Welds
      4.6  Solidification during Quenching from the Melt
      4.7  Metallic Glasses
        4.7.1  Thermodynamics and Kinetics
      4.8  Case Studies of some Practical Castings and Welds
        4.8.1  Casting of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
        4.8.2  Casting of High-Speed Steels
        4.8.3  Stainless Steel Weld Metal
      Further Reading
    5  Diffusional Transformations in Solids
      5.1  Homogeneous Nucleation in Solids
      5.2  Heterogeneous Nucleation
        5.2.1  Rate of Heterogeneous Nucleation
      5.3  Precipitate Growth
        5.3.1  Growth Behind Planar Incoherent Interfaces
        5.3.2  Diffusion-Controlled Lengthening of Platesor Needles
        5.3.3  Thickening of Plate-like Precipitates
      5.4  Overall Transformation Kinetics-TTT Diagrams
      5.5  Precipitation in Age-Hardening Alloys
        5.5.1  Precipitation in Aluminum-Copper Alloys
        5.5.2  Precipitation in Aluminum-Silver Alloys
        5.5.3  Quenched-in Vacancies
        5.5.4  Age Hardening
        5.5.5  Spinodal Decomposition
        5.5.6  Particle Coarsening
      5.6  The Precipitation of Ferrite from Austenite
        5.6.1  Case Study: Ferrite Nucleation and Growth
      5.7  Cellular Precipitation
      5.8  Eutectoid Transformations
        5.8.1  The Pearlite Reaction in Fe-CAlloys
        5.8.2  The Bainite Transformation
        5.8.3  The Effect of Alloying Elements on Hardenability
        5.8.4  Continuous Cooling Diagrams
        5.8.5  Fibrous and Interphase Precipitation in Alloy Steels
        5.8.6  Rule of Scheil
      5.9  Massive Transformations
      5.10  Ordering Transformations
      5.11  Case Studies
        5.11.1  Titanium Forging Alloys
        5.11.2  The Weldability of Low-Carbon and Microalloyed Rolled Steels
        5.11.3  Very Low-Carbon Bainitic Steel with High Strength and Toughness
        5.11.4  Very Fine Bainite
      Further Reading
    6  Diffusionless Transformations

      6.1  Characteristics of Diffusionless Transformations
        6.1.1  The Solid Solution of Carbon in Iron
      6.2  Martensite Crystallography
        6.2.1  The Bain Model of the fcc → bct Transformation
        6.2.2  Comparison of Crystallographic Theory with Experimental Results
      6.3  Theories of Martensite Nucleation
        6.3.1  Formation of Coherent Nuclei of Martensite
        6.3.2  Role of Dislocations in Martensite Nucleation
        6.3.3  Dislocation Strain Energy Assisted Transformation
      6.4  Martensite Growth
        6.4.1  Growth of Lath Martensite
        6.4.2  Plate Martensite
        6.4.3  Stabilization
        6.4.4  Effect of External Stresses
        6.4.5  Role of Grain Size
      6.5  Pre-martensite Phenomena
      6.6  Tempering of Ferrous Martensites
      6.7  Case Studies
        6.7.1  Carbon and Low-Alloy Quenched and Tempered Steels
        6.7.2  Controlled-Transformation Steels
        6.7.3  The 'Shape-Memory' Metal: Nitinol
      Further Reading
    Solutions to Exercises


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