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    • 单星的结构与演化--导论(英文版)/国外优秀物理著作原版系列
      • 作者:(美)詹姆斯·麦克唐纳|责编:聂兆慈//李兰静
      • 出版社:哈尔滨工业大学
      • ISBN:9787560394305
      • 出版日期:2021/06/01
      • 页数:220
    • 售价:43.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Author biography
    1 Observational background
      1.1 Distances
      1.2 Stellar brightness and luminosity
      1.3 Colors
      1.4 Spectroscopy
      1.5 Color-magnitude diagrams
      1.6 Stellar masses
      1.7 The mass-luminosity relation for main sequence stars
      1.8 The mass-radius relation for main sequence stars
    2 The equations of stellar structure: mass conservation
      and hydrostatic equilibrium
      2.1 Introduction
      2.2 The mass conservation equation
      2.3 The hydrostatic equilibriu m equation for a spherical star
      2.4 The dynamical time scale
      2.5 The central temperature of the Sun
      2.6 The central temperatures of main sequence stars
      2.7 Radiation pressure
    3 Energy considerations, the source of the Sun's energy,
      and energy transport
      3.1 Introduction
      3.2 The virial theorem
      3.3 The virial theorem for stars in hydrostatic equilibrium
      3.4 The conservation of energy equation for a star in hydrostatic equilibrium
      3.5 Stars in thermal equilibrium
      3.6 Energy transport
      3.7 The equation of radiative transfer
      3.8 Optical depth and effective temperature
      3.9 Validity of the diffusion approximation
    4 Convective energy transport
      4.1 Introduction
      4.2 The Schwarzschild criterion for convective instability
      4.3 Including convective energy transport in stellar models
    5 The equations of stellar evolution and how to solve them
      5.1 Introduction
      5.2 The equations of stellar structure
      5.3 The physical significance of the Eddington luminosity
      5.4 Equations for composition changes
      5.5 Solving the equations of stellar evolution
      5.6 The Newton-Raphson method
      5.7 Sets of non-linear equations
    6 Physics of gas and radiation
      6.1 Introduction

      6.2 The ideal gas equation of state
      6.3 The radiation equation of state
      6.4 The equation of state for a mixture of ideal gas and radiation
      6.5 The Eddington standard model of stellar structure
    7 Ionization and recombination
      7.1 Introduction
      7.2 The Boltzmann excitation equation
      7.3 The Saha ionization equation
      7.4 A difficulty and its resolution
      7.5 Ionization of hydrogen
      7.6 The effect of ionization on the adiabatic gradient
      7.7 The effect of ionization on the specific heat
      7.8 Pressure ionization
      7.9 Free energy approach to ionization
      7.10 A crude model for inclusion of pressure ionization in a
      thermodynamically consistent way
    8 The degenerate electron gas
      8.1 Introduction
      8.2 Complete electron degeneracy
      8.3 Limiting forms
      8.4 The contribution from nuclei at zero temperature
      8.5 Transition from non-degeneracy to degeneracy
      8.6 Effects of degeneracy on the adiabatic gradient and the first
      adiabatic exponent “ ua “
    9 Polytropes and the Chandrasekhar mass
      9.1 Introduction
      9.2 The Lane-Emden equation
      9.3 Application to white dwarf stars
    10 Opacity
      10.1 Introduction
      10.2 The Rosseland mean opacity
      10.3 Opacity mechanisms
      10.4 Electron scattering opacity
      10.5 Free-free opacity
      10.6 Bound-free opacity
      10.7 Bound-bound opacity
      10.8 The Rosseland mean opacity for solar composition material
    11 Nuclear reactions
      11.1 Introduction
      11.2 Occurrence of thermonuclear reactions
      11.3 Cross sections and nuclear reaction rates
      11.4 The cross section
      11.5 Evaluation of the reaction rate
      11.6 Major nuclear burning stages in stars: H burning
      11.7 Energy generation in the pp-chains and the CNO-cycles
      11.8 Major nuclear burning stages in stars: He burning

      11.9 Advanced nuclear burning phases
    12 Neutrino energy loss processes
      12.1 Pair annihilation neutrino process (e++e- →v + )
      12.2 Plasma neutrino process (/plamon→v +i)
      12.3 Photo-neutrino process (y + e→e +v +D)
      12.4 Bremsstrahlung neutrino process
    13 Homology relations
      13.1 Introduction
      13.2 Homology of zero age main sequence stars
      13.3 Sensitivity of stellar structure to nuclear reaction rate
      13.4 Sensitivity of stellar properties to composition
      13.5 Stars with convective cores
      13.6 Stars with convective envelopes
    14 Hydrogen main sequence stars
      14.I Masses of main sequence stars
      14.2 Lifetimes of main sequence stars
      14.3 Convection in main sequence stars
      14.4 Variation of surface properties with mass
      14.5 Variation of central properties with mass
      14.6 The theoretical Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
    15 Helium main sequence stars
      15.1 Why consider helium main sequence stars?
      15.2 Homology analysis of helium zero age main sequence stars
      15.3 Convection in helium main sequence stars
      15.4 Variation of surface properties with mass
      15.5 Variation of central properties with mass
      15.6 The theoretical Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
    16 The Hayashi line
      16.1 Introduction
      16.2 The Hayashi phase
    17 Star formation
      17.1 Introduction
      17.2 The Jeans mass
      17.3 Fragmentation
    18 Evolution on the main sequence and beyond
      18.1 Introduction
      18.2 Change in luminosity on the main sequence
      18.3 Evolution of the hydrogen profile
      18.4 Evolution after hydrogen exhaustion in the core
      18.5 The Hertzsprung gap
    19 Evolution on the red giant branch
      19.1 Introduction
      19.2 Change in luminosity on the red giant branch

      19.3 The globular cluster luminosity function bump
      19.4 The helium core flash
      19.5 Stability considerations
    20 Evolution from red giant to white dwarf
      20.1 Introduction
      20.2 The horizontal branch
      20.3 The asymptotic giant branch
      20.4 The formation of planetary nebulae
      20.5 The cooling of white dwarfs
      20.6 The luminosity function of white dwarfs
      20.7 Masses of white dwarf stars: observational material
    21 Evolution of massive stars
      21.1 Introduction
      21.2 Composition changes in the core
      21.3 Evolution after the end of core helium burning
      21.4 Evolution of stars more massive than 8 Mo


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