《水利英语》是为水利行业院校学生编写的一本具有行业特色的英语教材,内容涉及水循环、水资源、河流与湖泊、水库、防洪、灌溉与排水、大坝、水轮机、水力发电、水环境与水污染等。本书可纳入水利行业院校通用英语教学体系或作为水利专业学生提高专业英语能力的教材。 -
Unit 1 Water Cycle
Text A: Hydrologic Cycle
Text B: Water's Journey Through Time
Unit 2 Water Resources
Text A: Facts on Water Resources
Text B: Types of Water Resources
Unit 3 Lakes and Rivers
Text A: Freshwater Lakes and Rivers
Text B: Rivers, Streams, and Creeks
Unit 4 Reservoirs
Text A: Types of Reservoirs
Text B: Three Gorges Reservoir Region
Unit 5 Flood Control
Text A: Flood Control and Disaster Management
Text B: More Floods, More Effective Flood-fighting Technology
Unit 6 Irrigation and Drainage
Text A: Modern Irrigation System Planning and Construction
Text B: Modern Drainage System Construction
Unit 7 Dams
Text A: Dams Are a Vital Part of the National Infrastructure
Text B: Dams: What They Are and What They Do
Unit 8 Hydraulic Turbines
Text A: Hydro Turbine
Text B: Factors Affecting the Selection of Hydraulic Turbines
Unit 9 Hydroelectric Power
Text A: Hydropower Today
Text B: Hydroelectric Energy and Its Pros and Cons
Unit 10 Water Pollution
Text A: Water Pollution-Everything You Need to Know
Text B: What Are the Effects of Water Pollution?
Appendix: Glossary
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