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    • 中国精准扶贫模式研究(汉英对照)
      • 作者:谭卫平//刘成斌|责编:刘凯
      • 出版社:华中科技大学
      • ISBN:9787568075824
      • 出版日期:2021/10/01
      • 页数:276
    • 售价:39.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    上篇  中文部分
      第一章  绪论
      第二章  二阶观察与中国扶贫政策变迁
      第三章  等值功能主义与精准扶贫政策体系
      第四章  系统理性与精准扶贫实践方略
      第五章  全面耦合:中国精准扶贫模式分析
      第六章  系统理论与典型国家扶贫比较
      第七章  总结与展望
    下篇  英文部分
      Chapter One: Introduction
        I Research Background and Significance
        Ⅱ Literature Review
        Ⅲ Definitions and Theoretical Basis
        Ⅳ Research Method
        V Technology Route
      Chapter Two: Second-order Observation and the Changes of China's
        Poverty Alleviation Policies

        I Overall Mode of Poverty Alleviation: Promoting Poverty
        Alleviation through System Reform (1978-1986)
        II Development Mode Poverty Alleviation: Regional Development
        Stage of Poverty Alleviation (1986-1992)
        Ⅲ Poverty Alleviation in the Economic Mode: Project-based Poverty
        Alleviation Stage of Targeted Feedback from Market Economy (1993-2000)
        Ⅳ Action Mode for Poverty Alleviation: Village-based Participatory
        Poverty Alleviation stage (2001-2012)
        V Social Mode for Poverty Alleviation: Targeted Poverty Alleviation
        Stage (2013-2020)
        V Analysis of the Characteristics of Targeted Poverty Alleviation
      Chapter Three: Equivalent Functionalism and the System of Targeted
        Poverty Alleviation Policy
        I Interactive System
        Ⅱ System for Organizing Forces
        Ⅲ Integrated Poverty Alleviation System
        IV Social Supervision and Assessment System
      Chapter Four: Systematic Rationality and Strategy of Targeted
        Poverty Alleviation Practice
        I Accurate Identification Subsystem: Pursuing Fairness and Justice
        Ⅱ The Subsystem of Targeted Poverty Alleviation: Focusing on
        Coordinated Development
        Ⅲ The Subsystem of Accurate Management: Attaching Importance to
        System Innovation
        IV The Subsystem of Accurate Assessment: Adhering to Systematic
        V Summary
      Chapter Five: Comprehensive Coupling: Analysis of China' s Targeted
        Poverty Alleviation Mode
        I Theoretical Source: Structure and System
        Ⅱ Theoretical Definitions: System and Coupling
        Ⅲ Theoretical Structure: Quadruple Coupling
        Ⅳ Theoretical Significance: Social Integration and Unity
      Chapter Six: The Comparison between System Theory and Poverty
        Alleviation in Typical Countries
        I India's Experience in Poverty Alleviation
        Ⅱ Brazil's Experience in Poverty Alleviation
        Ⅲ Mexico's Experience in Poverty Alleviation
        Ⅳ Comparison of the Experience of Poverty Alleviation in
        Typical Countries
      Chapter Seven: Summary and Prospect
        I The Social Effectiveness of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Policies
        Ⅱ The Social Innovation of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Strategies
        Ⅲ Targeted Poverty Alleviation and the Consolidation of Poverty
        Alleviation in the Post-poverty Era
        Ⅳ Poverty Alleviation Proposals for Developing Countries and the
        Future of Poverty Reduction in the World


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