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    • 大学物理实验(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:张伦//张雷|责编:杨昕琦
      • 出版社:中国科大
      • ISBN:9787312052682
      • 出版日期:2021/09/01
      • 页数:253
    • 售价:20.8
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Introduction
      1.1 Purposes and Tasks of the Course of Physics Experiment
      1.2 Physics Experiment Rules for Students
      1.3 How to Write Experiment Report
      1.4 Measurements and Significant Figures
      1.5 Errors in the Experiment
      1.6 Uncertainty
      1.7 Data Processing Method
    Chapter 2 Basic Experiments
      Experiment 1 Bohr Resonances Instrument - the Study of Forced
      Experiment 2 Measurement of Young's Modulus of Metallic Wire by
      Tension Method
      Experiment 3 Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Weak
      Experiment 4 Hall Effect
      Experiment 5 Study on Electron Motion in Electric and Magnetic Fields
      Experiment 6 Measurement of Sound Speed
      Experiment 7 Use of Electronic Oscilloscope
      Experiment 8 Measurement of Grating Spacing by Using Spectrometer
      Experiment 9 Determination of the Moment of Inertia of An Object
      by Torsion Pendulum Method
      Experiment 10 Surveying and Mapping the Electrostatic Field
      with Simulation Method
      Experiment 11 Thin Film Interference with Equal Thickness
      Newton's Ring and Wedge
      Experiment 12 The Michelson Interferometer
    Chapter 3 Comprehensive and Designing Experiments
      Experiment 13 Millikan Oil Drop Test - Determination of Electronic
      Experiment 14 Measuring Plank Constant by Photoelectric Effect
      Experiment 15 Study on the Polarization Characteristics of Light
      Experiment 16 Measuring the Basic Magnetization Curve and
      Hysteresis Loop of Ferromagnetic Materials
      Experiment 17 Dynamic Experiments on Magnetic Levitated Slideway
      Experiment 18 Study of Basic Characteristics of Solar Cells
      Experiment 19 Measurement of Current-Voltage Characteristics of
      Linear and Nonlinear Resistor Components
      Experiment 20 Frank-Hertz Experiment


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