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    • 公共关系学(浙江越秀外国语学院双语示范课程教材浙江省普通高校十三五新形态教材)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:李先国|责编:郑成业
      • 出版社:浙江大学
      • ISBN:9787308214896
      • 出版日期:2021/11/01
      • 页数:167
    • 售价:15.6
  • 内容大纲

        本教材用英语写成。全书以公关基础理论、公关历史、公关实践三大要素作为领头,以公关三大目标、公关工作三大基本方法、公关活动四大步骤作为躯体,形成一个完整的、有机的、有逻辑性的学科体系。全书将形象塑造、传播管理、关系协调等学派的观点和方法融为一体。全书根据八轮教学经验,总设9章,9章知识要点围绕9个以“P”开头的单词来进行。每章主体设5部分: Chapter Objectives (学习目标)(为每章设3-5个主要知识和技能目标) Warm-up (热身练习)(关键词汇对话录音材料,提高听说能力) Major Concepts and Elements (知识要点)(重点基础理论和基本技能要点) Case Study (案例研究)(根据内容要点设立案例,启发教学) Scenario Questions(场景问答)(假设具体场景,运用公共关系原理解决具体问题)。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Professional Introduction to Public Relations
      Preparation for Start
      Understanding Objectives
      Basic Concepts and Elements
      Definition of Public Relations
      The Elements of Public Relations
      Public Relations Discipline: From Public Relations Activities to Public Relations
      The Difference and Connection between Public Relations and Related Concepts
      Learning to Practice
      Indication for Answer
      Case Study
      Case 1.1 Zhong Nanshan Thanked JD
      Case 1.2 Chairman of Home Original Chicken Tears Employee Joint Letter
      Case 1.3 Ali Invests in Tea
    Chapter 2 Periods in the History of Public Relations
      Preparation for Start
      Understanding Objectives
      Basic Concepts and Elements
      The Germination of Ancient Public Relations
      The Development of Public Relations in the United States
      The Development of Public Relations in China
      Learning to Practice
      Indication for Answer
      Case Study
      Case 2.1 Xibei's Crying for Poverty
      Case 2.2 "Employee Sharing" Became an Emerging Trend amid COVID
      Case 2.3 Female Internet Star Enters Captain's Cockpit
    Chapter 3 Participation of Public Relations in Management
      Preparation for Start
      Understanding Objectives
      Basic Concepts and Elements
      Collect Information and Monitor the Environment
      Provide Consultation and Participate in Decision-Making
      Communicate to Promote Image
      Coordinate Relations and Balance Interests
      Cultivate Public Relations Consciousness and the Market
      Eliminate Risks and Crisis
      Learning to Practice
      Indication for Answer
      Case Study
      Case 3.1 Bytedance Shows Lost in Russia on Streaming Sites for Free
      Case 3.2 Sleeping Phenomenon in IKEA Furniture Store
      Case 3.3 Golden Rooster Award Folk Poster Competition
    Chapter 4 Practitioners and Organization-the Subject of Public Relations
      Preparation for Start
      Understanding Objectives
      Basic Concepts and Elements
      Setting up a Public Relations Department within an Organization

      Hiring Public Relations Companies
      Public Relations Association
      Public Relations Practitioners
      Training of Public Relations Practitioners
      Learning to Practice
      Indication for Answer
      Case Study
      Case 4.1 Bilibili Supports Jing Hanqing
      Case 4.2 Dismantled Meizu 16S: SOC Is Not Sealed
      Case 4.3 "Can't Afford Peiling Mustard
    Chapter 5 Public—the Object of Public Relations
      Preparation for Start
      Understanding Objectives
      Basic Concepts and Elements
      Several Types of the Public
      The Importance of the Internal Public
      Main Types of the External Public
      Public Opinion
      Learning to Practice
      Indication for Answer
      Case Study
      Case 5.1 Burger King Drops Chopsticks Ad after Accusations of Cultural
      Case 5.2 Wangbaobao Cereal Uses Opinion Leaders for Marketing
      Case 5.3 Jingdong Finance App Involved in User Privacy Infringement
    Chapter 6 Public Relations Planning
      Preparation for Start
      Understanding Objectives
      Basic Concepts and Elements
      Principles of Public Relations Planning
      Main Contents of Public Relations Planning
      The Thinking Mode of Public Relations Planning
      The Copywriting of Public Relations Planning
      Learning to Practice
      Indication for Answer
      Case Study
      Case 6.1 Chinese Netizens Urge Boycott of Marriott for Calling Tibet a "Country
      Case 6.2 JD.com Counterfeit Scandal
      Case 6.3 Dolce & Gabbana Cancels Its Shanghai Great Show
    Chapter 7 Publicity—the Original Idea of Public Relations Communication
      Preparation for Start
      Understanding Objectives
      Basic Concepts and Elements
      Characteristics of Public Relations Communication
      Communication Theories Related to Public Relations
      Media of Public Relations Communication
      The Choice of Media and Media Combination
      Learning to Practice
      Indication for Answer
      Case Study

      BGI and Media
      Case 7.1 Enclose Incident on Tianya Forum
      Case 7.2  Gene Detection Gate" of Huxiu Website
    Chapter 8 Practice of Public Relations Special Activities
      Preparation for Start
      Understanding Objectives
      Basic Concepts and Elements
      Daily Public Relations Activities
      Main Special Activities of Public Relations
      Learning to Practice
      Indication for Answer
      Case Study
      Case 8.1 Pinduoduo Held Press Conference
      Case 8.2 Xiaomi's Activities before New Product Launch
      Case 8.3 There Is Formaldehyde in the Rental Housing of Ziroom
    Chapter 9 Promotion of Organization Image with Public Relations
      Preparation for Start
      Understanding Objectives
      Basic Concepts and Elements
      Definition of Organization Image
      Types of Organization Image
      Establishment of Organization Image
      Analysis of Organization Image
      Organization Image Planning and Management
      Learning to Practice
      Indication for Answer
      Case Study
      Case 9.1 Red Star News Reported Hongmao Medicine Wine
      Case 9.2 Chando Joins Hands with Bilibili to Set up "The Brunch Stream University
      Case 9.3 The Organization Image of BlueFocus
      Sample Test


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