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    • 能源概论(普通高等学校智能采矿工程专业系列教材)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:张源//万志军//(美)约翰·麦克伦南|责编:仓小金
      • 出版社:中国矿大
      • ISBN:9787564652579
      • 出版日期:2022/01/01
      • 页数:222
    • 售价:15.2
  • 内容大纲

        Energy minerals have been indispensable for the development of human society and the national economies. This book mainly focuses on introducing the basic knowledge, mining and recovery methods, utilization, status and development trends of various earth-related sectors. The aim is to enable understanding of the important role these resources play in the development of society and economies so that one can objectively,  comprehensively and scientifically evaluate the impacts that the exploitation and utilization of energy minerals exert on society,  enhance a sense of social responsibility and consid er environmental awareness and sustainable development. The book consists of 9 chapters, including chapters describing coal, petroleum, conventional natural gas, geothermal energy, uranium and thorium, shale gas, other energy minerals, as well as sustainable development.
        This book can be used as teaching material for undergraduates with energy related majors and can also be used as a reference for professional engineering and technical personnel.
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1  Introduction
      1.1  Overview of Mineral Resources
      1.2  Overview of Energy Minerals
      1.3  Overview of Energy Minerals in China
    2  Coal
      2.1  Coal Basics
      2.2  Coal Mining
      2.3  Processing and Utilization of Coal
      2.4  Prospects for Coal Mining and Utilization
    3  Petroleum
      3.1  Basic Knowledge of Petroleum
      3.2  Exploitation of Petroleum
      3.3  Processing and Utilization of Petroleum
      3.4  Prospects for the Exploitation and Utilization of Petroleum
    4  Naturai GItS
      4.1  Basic Knowledge of Natural Gas
      4.2  Exploitation of Natural Gas
      4.3  Processing and Utilization of Natural Gas
      4.4  Prospects for the Exploitation and Utilization of Natural Gas
    5  Geothermal Energy
      5.1  Basic Knowledge of Geothermal Energy
      5.2  Exploitation of Geothermal Energy
      5.3  Utilization of Geothermal Energy
      5.4  Prospects for the Exploitation and Utilization of Geothermal Energy
    6  Uranium and Thorium
      6.1  Uranium
      6.2  Thorium
      6.3  Current Status and Prospects for the Utilization of Nuclear Energy
    7  Shale Gas
      7.1  Basic Knowledge of Shale Gas
      7.2  Exploitation of Shale Gas
      7.3  Utilization of Shale Gas
      7.4  Prospects for the Exploitation and Utilization of Shale Gas
    8  Other Energy Mineral Resources
      8.1  Oil Shale
      8.2  Oil Sands
      8.3  Natural Gas Hydrate
      8.4  Natural Asphalt
      8.5  CoalBed Methane
    9  Sustainability of Energy Mineral Resources
      9.1  Overview of Sustainable Development
      9.2  Exploitation of Energy Minerals and Environmental Problems

      9.3  Sustainable Development and Utilization of Energy Minerals


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