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    • 传热学(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:唐春丽//李红明|责编:李经晶
      • 出版社:江苏大学
      • ISBN:9787568416795
      • 出版日期:2022/02/01
      • 页数:210
    • 售价:23.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    CHAPTER 1  Introduction
      1.1  The subject of heat transfer
      1.2  Three modes of heat transfer
        1.2.1  Heat conduction
        1.2.2  Heat convection
        1.2.3  Thermal radiation
      1.3  Heat transfer process
      1.4  Thermal resistance analysis
        1.4.1  Thermal resistance
        1.4.2  Thermal resistance in series
        1.4.3  Thermal resistance in parallel
    Review Questions
    CHAPTER 2  Conduction Theory
      2.1  Temperature distribution
      2.2  Fourier's law
      2.3  Thermal conductivity
      2.4  Heat conduction differential equations for Cartesian coordinate system
      2.5  Heat conduction differential equations for cylindrical coordinate system
      2.6  Boundary conditions
    Review Questions
    CHAPTER 3  Steady-State Conduction
      3.1  One-dimensional steady state conduction
        3.1.1  One-dimensional single-layer plane slab
        3.1.2  Muhilayer plane slab
        3.1.3  The dimensional cylindrical tube
        3.1.4  The hollow sphere
        3.1.5  Multilayer cylindrical tube
    3. 1.6  Contact resistance
      3.2  Heat source systems
        3.2.1  The plane slab with internal heat source
        3.2.2  The cylinder with internal heat source
      3.3  Heat transfer from fins
        3.3.1  Heat conduction through rectangular straight fins
        3.3.2  Fin efficiency and overall fin surface efficiency
      3.4  Multi-dimensional steady heat conduction
        3.4.1  Analysis methods for multi dimensional steady conduction
        3.4.2  Method of separation of variables
        3.4.3  Conduction shape factor
    Review Questions
    CHAPTER 4  Unsteady-State Heat Conduction
      4.1  Introduction
      4.2  Convection boundary conditions analysis for transient conduction
      4.3  Lumped-heat-capacity system
      4.4  One-dimensional transient heat conduction

        4.4.1  The infinite plane slab
        4.4.2  The long cylinder
        4.4.3  The sphere
        4.4.4  Engineering calculation method of transient heat conduction
      4.5  Semi-infinite transient heat conduction
      4.6  Multidimensional transient heat conduction
    Review Questions
    CHAPTER 5  Principle of Convection Heat Transfer
      5.1  Introduction
      5.2  Equations for convection heat transferI4
        5.2.1  Convection heat transfer equation
        5.2.2  Energy equations for convection heat transfer
        5.2.3  Mass equation and momentum equations
      5.3  The boundary layer equations
      5.4  Velocity and temperature distribution in laminar boundary layer
      5.5  Analysis of turbulent heat transfer
    Review Questions
    CHAPTER 6  Empirical and Practical Relations for Forced-Convection
    Heat Transfer
      6.1  Introduction
      6.2  Equation analysis method
      6.3  Empirical relations for internal flows
      6.4  Empirical relations for external flows
        6.4.1  Flow across a single cylinder or sphere
        6.4.2  Flow across tube banks
    Review Questions
    CHAPTER 7  Natural Convection System
      7.1  Introduction
      7.2  Natural convection heat transfer analysis on a vertical flat plate
      7.3  Empirical relations for natural convection heat transfer
        7.3.1  Large space natural convection with isothermal surfaces
        7.3.2  Natural convection with constant heat flux surfaces
        7.3.3  Natural convection in enclosed spaces
    Review Questions
    CHAPTER 8  Condensation and Boiling Heat Transfer
      8.1  Introduction
      8.2  Condensation heat transfer
        8.2.1  Film condensation
        8.2.2  Equations for the vertical wall
        8.2.3  Nusselt's solution for the vertical wall
        8.2.4  Laminar condensation for other geometries
        8.2.5  Transition and turbulence in a vertical film

        8.2.6  Influencing factors of film condensation
        8.2.7  Dropwise condensation
      8.3  Boiling heat transfer
        8.3.1  Saturated pool boiling curve
        8.3.2  Nucleate boiling correlations
        8.3.3  Critical heat flux prediction (CHF)
        8.3.4  Minimum heat flux: the Leidenfrost point
        8.3.5  Film boiling
        8.3.6  Effect of gravity
        8.3.7  Flowing boiling
        8.3.8  Enhancement of boiling heat transfer
      8.4  Heat Pipe
        8.4.1  Principle of heat pipe
        8.4.2  Thermal resistance analysis of heat pipe
    Review Questions
    CHAPTER 9  Radiation Heat Transfer
      9.1  Introduction
      9.2  Radiation characteristics of blackbody
        9.2.1  The Stefan-Boltzmann law
        9.2.2  Planck's blackbody spectral energy distribution
        9.2.3  Wien's displacement law
        9.2.4  Emission in a finite-wavelength band
        9.2.5  Directional radiation
      9.3  Radiation characteristics of real surfaces
        9.3.1  Emissivity
        9.3.2  Spectral emissivity
        9.3.3  Directional emissivity
        9.3.4  Absorption ratio
        9.3.5  Gray body
        9.3.6  Relationship between radiation and absorption--Kirchhoff's law
      9.4  Radiation shape factors
        9.4.1  Definition of shape factor
        9.4.2  Rules of shape factor
        9.4.3  Analytical evaluation of shape factors
      9.5  Radiation heat transfer between gray surfaces
        9.5.1  Radiation heat transfer for two-surface enclosure system
        9.5.2  Radiation heat transfer for multi-surface enclosure system
        9.5.3  Radiation shields
    Review Questions
    CHAPTER 10  Heat Transfer Process and Heat Exchangers
      10.1  Introduction and classification
      10.2  The overall heat transfer coefficient
      10.3  Mean temperature difference
        10.3.1  Single-pass exchangers:the LMTD
        10.3.2  Multiple passes:the LMTD correction factor
      10.4  Effectiveness/NTU method

      10.5  Consideration for heat exchanger design
    Review Questions
    Appendix A-Tables
    Appendix B-Figures


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