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    • 电子信息专业英语(第3版微课版活页式教材高等职业教育新资源新智造系列精品教材)
      • 作者:编者:高立新|责编:王昭松
      • 出版社:电子工业
      • ISBN:9787121377990
      • 出版日期:2022/08/01
      • 页数:220
    • 售价:22
  • 内容大纲

        本书基于工学结合的教学模式设计内容,内容主要包括电子技术简介(Introduction to Electronic Technology)、电子器件(Electronic Parts)、电子电路 (Electronic Circuits)、电子仪器设备与测量(Electronic Instruments & Measurement)、电子产品(Electronic Products)、通信系统(Communication System)、计算机技术(Computer Technology)、电子CAD和生产(Electronic CAD & Manufacturing)及电子职业工作(Electronics Occupation)共计9个学习项目。每个学习项目(单元)精选3篇科技文章,包括课文、词汇、难点注释和习题。本书注重选用各种不同类型的英文资料,并附有较多的插图,生动有趣,既可以达到比较好的教学效果,又可以拓宽学生的知识面。为了方便教师教学及提高学生英语的听说能力,本书免费提供电子教案、PPT、美音外教朗读录音(mp3格式)、重点课程教学录像、实验实训视频及生产现场视频、设备图片、演示动画、专业英语语法习题等多媒体教学资源。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Introduction to Electronic Technology 电子技术简介
      Lesson 1 Development of Electronics 电子技术发展史
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 2 Singapore Polytechnic 新加坡理工学院
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program 电气电子工程专业
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Grammar 科技英语词汇词义的选择
        Grammar Exercises
      Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 复习提升评价活页
        Lesson 1 Development of Electronics 电子技术发展史
        Lesson 2 Singapore Polytechnic 新加坡理工学院
        Lesson 3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Program 电气电子工程专业
      Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技术活页
    Chapter 2 Electronic Parts 电子器件
      Lesson 4 Electronic Components 电子元件
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 5 IC Datasheet 集成块数据表
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 6 Microcontroller Unit 微控制器
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Grammar 科技英语词汇的构成(一)
        Grammar Exercises
      Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 复习提升评价活页
        Lesson 4 Electronic Components 电子元件
        Lesson 5 IC Datasheet 集成块数据表
        Lesson 6 Microcontroller Unit 微控制器
      Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技术活页
    Chapter 3 Electronic Circuits 电子电路
      Lesson 7 Amplifier 放大器
        New Words and Technical Terms

        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 8 Power Supply 电源供应器
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 9 Digital Circuit 数字电路
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Grammar 科技英语词汇的构成(二)
        Grammar Exercises
      Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 复习提升评价活页
        Lesson 7 Amplifier 放大器
        Lesson 8 Power Supply 电源供应器
        Lesson 9 Digital Circuit 数字电路
      Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技术活页
    Chapter 4 Electronic Instruments & Measurement 电子仪器设备与测量
      Lesson 10 Multimeter 万用表
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 11 Oscilloscope and Function Generator 示波器和信号发生器
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 12 Audio Amplifier Testing 音频信号放大器测试
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Grammar 科技英语非谓语动词
        Grammar Exercises
      Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 复习提升评价活页
        Lesson 10 Multimeter 万用表
        Lesson 11 Oscilloscope and Function Generator 示波器和信号发生器
        Lesson 12 Audio Amplifier Testing 音频信号放大器测试
      Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技术活页
    Chapter 5 Electronic Products 电子产品
      Lesson 13 Television 电视机
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 14 Vehicle Navigation System 汽车导航定位系统

        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 15 Product Manual 产品说明书
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Grammar 科技英语定语从句及翻译技巧
        Grammar Exercises
      Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 复习提升评价活页
        Lesson 13 Television 电视机
        Lesson 14 Vehicle Navigation System 汽车导航定位系统
        Lesson 15 Product Manual 产品说明书
      Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技术活页
    Chapter 6 Communication System 通信系统
      Lesson 16 Modulation and Demodulation 调制与解调
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 17 Communication Channel and Multiplexing 通信信道和多路复用
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 18 Mobile Phone 移动电话
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Grammar 科技英语名词性从句、状语从句及翻译技巧
        Grammar Exercises
      Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 复习提升评价活页
        Lesson 16 Modulation and Demodulation 调制与解调
        Lesson 17 Communication Channel and Multiplexing 通信信道和多路复用
        Lesson 18 Mobile Phone 移动电话
      Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技术活页
    Chapter 7 Computer Technology 计算机技术
      Lesson 19 Computer Hardware 计算机硬件
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 20 Operating System 操作系统
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 21  Computer Network 计算机网络

        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
        Grammar Exercises
      Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 复习提升评价活页
        Lesson 19 Computer Hardware 计算机硬件
        Lesson 20 Operating system 操作系统
        Lesson 21 Computer Network 计算机网络
      Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技术活页
    Chapter 8 Electronic CAD &Manufacturing 电子CAD和生产
      Lesson 22 Electronics Design Process 电子设计流程
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 23 Circuit Simulation 电路仿真
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 24 PCB Assembly and Production Process 印制电路板组装和生产流程
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Grammar 科技英语强调句型和倒装句型
        Grammar Exercises
      Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 复习提升评价活页
        Lesson 22 Electronics Design Process 电子设计流程
        Lesson 23 Circuit Simulation 电路仿真
        Lesson 24 PCB Assembly and Production Process 印制电路板组装和生产流程
      Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技术活页
    Chapter 9 Electronics Occupation 电子职业工作
      Lesson 25 Electronics Engineering Career 电子工程职业
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 26 Employment Advertisement 招聘广告
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text
      Lesson 27 Resume and Job Application Email 简历和应聘电子邮件
        New Words and Technical Terms
        Notes to the Text

        Introduction to Technical Paper Writing 科技论文写作简介
      Loose Leaf of Review Improvement and Evaluation 复习提升评价活页
        Lesson 25 Electronics Engineering Career 电子工程职业
        Lesson 26 Employment Advertisement 招聘广告
        Lesson 27 Resume and Job Application Email 简历和应聘电子邮件
      Loose Leaf of New Technology 新技术活页
    Reference 参考文献


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