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    • 公司治理(组织视角英文版第3版)/核心课系列/工商管理经典丛书
      • 作者:(美)戴维·拉克尔//布莱恩·泰安|责编:魏文|改编:严若森
      • 出版社:中国人民大学
      • ISBN:9787300306346
      • 出版日期:2022/08/01
      • 页数:477
    • 售价:35.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction to Corporate Governance
      Self-Interested Executives
      Defining Corporate Governance
      Corporate Governance Standards
      Best Practice or Best Practices? Does "One Size Fit All"?
      Relationship between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance
    Chapter 2  International Corporate Governance
      Capital Market Efficiency
      Legal Tradition
      Accounting Standards
      Enforcement of Regulations
      Societal and Cultural Values
      Individual National Governance Structures
    Chapter 3  Board of Directors: Duties and Liability
      Board Responsibilities
      Board Independence
      The Operations of the Board
      Duration of Director Terms
      Director Elections
      Removal of Directors
      Legal Obligations of Directors
    Chapter 4  Board of Directors: Selection, Compensation, and Removal
      Market for Directors
      Director Recruitment Process
      Director Compensation
      Removal of Directors
    Chapter 5  Board of Directors: Structure and Consequences
      Board Structure
    Chapter 6  Strategy, Performance Measurement, and Risk Management
      Organizational Strategy
      Strategy Implementation Process
      Business Model Development and Testing
      Key Performance Measures
      How Well Are Boards Doing with Performance Measures and Business Models?
      Risk and Risk Management
      Risk and Risk Tolerance
      Risk to the Business Model
      Risk Management
      Oversight of Risk Management
      Assessing Board Performance on Risk Management

    Chapter 7  CEO Selection, Turnover, and Succession Planning
      Labor Market for Chief Executive Officers
      Labor Pool of CEO Talent
      CEO Turnover
      Newly Appointed CEOs
      Models of CEO Succession
      The Succession ProcessHow Well Are Boards Doing with Succession Planning?
      Executive Search Firms
    Chapter 8  Executive Compensation and Incentives
      The Controversy over Executive Compensation
      Competing Theories of CEO Pay
      Components of Compensation
      Determining Compensation
      Compensation Consultants
      Compensation Levels
      Ratio of CEO Pay to Other Top Executive Pay
      Ratio of CEO Pay to Average Employee Pay
      Compensation Mix
      Short-Term Incentives
      Long-Term Incentives
      Benefits and Perquisites
      Compensation Disclosure
      Competing Theories of CEO Pay
    Chapter 9  Executive Equity Ownership
      Equity Ownership and Firm Performance
      Equity Ownership and Risk
      Equity Ownership and Agency Costs
      Accounting Manipulation
      Manipulation of Equity Grants
      Equity Sales and Insider Trading
      Rule 10b5-1
      Repricing and Exchange Offers
    Chapter 10  Financial Reporting and External Audit
      The Audit Committee
      Accounting Quality, Transparency, and Controls
      Financial Reporting Quality
      Financial Restatements
      Models to Detect Accounting Manipulations
      The External Audit
      Audit Quality
      Structure of Audit Industry
      Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley
      External Auditor as CFO

      Auditor Rotation
    Chapter 11  The Market for Corporate Control
      The Market for Corporate Control
      Stock Market Assessment of Acquiring and Target Firms
      Antitakeover Protections
      Antitakeover Actions
      Warding Off Unwanted Acquirers
    Chapter 12  Shareholders and Shareholder Activism
      The Role of Shareholders
      Blockholders and Institutional Investors
      Institutional Investors and Proxy Voting
      Activist Investors
      The Rise of Index Investing
      Shareholder Democracy and Corporate Engagement
      Proxy Advisory Firms
    Chapter 13  Stakeholders and Stakeholder Activism
      Pressure to Incorporate Stakeholder Interests
      Legal and Economic Implications
      Director and CEO Views on Stakeholders
      ESG Metrics and Disclosure
      External Assessment of ESG
    Chapter 14  Corporate Governance and ESG Ratings
      Third-Party Ratings
      Credit Ratings
      Commercial Corporate Governance Ratings
      Governance Rating Systems by Academic Researchers
      The Viability of Governance Ratings
      ESG Ratings
    Chapter 15  Alternative Models of Governance
      Family-Controlled Corporations
      Venture-Backed Companies
      Private Equity-Owned Companies
      Nonprofit Organizations
    Chapter 16 Summary and Conclusions
      Testing Remains Insufficient
      The Current Focus Is Misdirected
      Important Variables Are Clearly Missing
      Context Is Important
      Rights of Shareholders and Stakeholders


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