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    • 采矿AutoCAD2022基础与开发(普通高等学校智能采矿工程专业系列教材)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:Zheng Xigui//Ai Dechun//Feng Xiaowei//Ren Haibing|责编:姜华//吴学兵
      • 出版社:中国矿大
      • ISBN:9787564653019
      • 出版日期:2022/10/01
      • 页数:220
    • 售价:18
  • 内容大纲

        本书主要介绍了使用AutoCAD 2022软件进行采矿工程绘图和辅助设计的方法和技巧。本书由八个章节组成,即AutoCAD2022简介;AutoCAD2022设置;文本、图案填充和对象属性;块、属性和外部参照;图纸显示、查询、计算和尺寸;批量设计,布局和绘图;三维坐标系;挖矿AutoCAD二次开发。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 AutoCAD 2022 Introduction
      1.1  Start,Exit,and Create
      1.2  The structure and function of program interface
      1.3  Coordinate system and object selection
      1.4  Drawing and modification commands (I)
      1.5  Grip overview and application
      1.6  Draw graticules
    Chapter 2 AutoCAD 2022 Settings
      2.1  Program initial setup
      2.2  Drafting settings
      2.3  Object snap settings
      2.4  Drawing and modification commands (Ⅱ)
      2.5  Draw roadway section
    Chapter 3 Text,Hatch and Object Properties
      3.1  Drawing and modification commands (Ⅲ)
      3.2  Text form and editing
      3.3  Overview and skills to fill pattern
      3.4  Draw the compass and note graticules
      3.5  Drawing and modification commands (Ⅳ)
      3.6  Object properties
      3.7  Draw the section of double track haulage roadway
    Chapter 4 Block,Attribute,and External Reference
      4.1  Drawing and modification commands (V)
      4.2  Create and edit blocks
      4.3  Create and apply attribute block
      4.4  Write block applications of mining basic elements


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