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    • FORTRAN程序语言--77与90的合集(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:郭晓倩|责编:章毅
      • 出版社:中国矿大
      • ISBN:9787564650599
      • 出版日期:2021/06/01
      • 页数:258
    • 售价:27.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Introduction to the FORTRAN language
      1.1  The history of the FORTRAN language
      1.2  Why not use another language
      1.3  The evolution of Fortran language
    Chapter 2 Algorithm
      2.1  Introduction
      2.2  Concept of algorithm
      2.3  Simple examples of algorithm
      2.4  Features of algorithm
      2.5  How to express algorithm
      2.6  Exercises
    Chapter 3 Basic elements of Fortran
      3.1  Introduction
      3.2  The Fortran character set
      3.3  The structure of a Fortran program
      3.4  The format of a Fortran program
      3.5  Constants
      3.6  Variables
      3.7  Intrinsic functions
      3.8  Arithmetic expression
      3.9  Assignment statement
      3.10  List-directed output statement
      3.11  Simple input statement
      3.12  PARAMETER statement
      3.13  END,STOP and PAUSE statement
      3.14  Examples
      3.15  Summary
      3.16  Exercises
    Chapter 4 How to process and run a program
      4.1  Introduction
      4.2  Compilation and linking
      4.3  Debugging Fortran program
      4.4  Exercises
    Chapter 5 Logical and branching structure
      5.1  Introduction
      5.2  Logical constants,variables,operators and expression
      5.3  Block construct
      5.4  The logical IF statement
      5.5  The SELECT CASE construct
      5.6  Debugging Fortran branches
      5.7  Exercises
    Chapter 6 Loops
      6.1  Introduction
      6.2  Control structure:loops
      6.3  The iterative or counting loops
      6.4  The while loop
      6.5  The until loop
      6.6  Named loops (Fortran 90)
      6.7  The CYCLE and EXIT statements (Fortran 90)
      6.8  Debugging Fortran loops

      6.9  Exercises
    Chapter 7 Data types
      7.1  Introduction
      7.2  Building the data environment for a problem solution
      7.3  Double precision
      7.4  Complex data type
      7.5  Conversion and operation between four types of numeric data
      7.6  Characters
      7.7  Exercises
    Chapter 8 Output
      8.1  Introduction
      8.2  Formats and formatted WRITE statements
      8.3  Output devices
      8.4  Format descriptors
      8.5  How formats are used during WRITEs
      8.6  Exercises
    Chapter 9 Input
      9.1  Introduction
      9.2  Formatted READ statements
      9.3  Integer input–the I descriptor
      9.4  Real input-the F descriptor
      9.5  Logical input—the L descriptor
      9.6  Character input—-the A descriptor
      9.7  Horizontal positioning—the X descriptor
      9.8  How formats are used during READs
      9.9  Exercises
    Chapter 10 Arrays
      10.1  Introduction
      10.2  Declaring arrays
      10.3  Using array elements in Fortran statements
      10.4  Using whole arrays in Fortran statements (Fortran 90)
      10.5  Array storage
      10.6  Initialization
      10.7  Input and output
      10.8  Examples
      10.9  When should you use an array
      10.10  Exercises
    Chapter 11 Procedures
      11.1  Introduction
      11.2  Function subprogram
      11.3  Subroutines
      11.4  Passing data between actual argument and dummy argument
      11.5  The SAVE statement
      11.6  Examples
      11.7  Exercises
    Chapter 12 Statement function
      12.1  Introduction
      12.2  Definition of statement function
      12.3  Invoking the statement function
      12.4  Exercises

    Chapter 13 File
      13.1  Introduction
      13.2  The OPEN statement
      13.3  The CLOSE statement
      13.4  The READ statement
      13.5  The WRITE statement
      13.6  File position statement
      13.7  Unformatted files
      13.8  Direct access files
      13.9  Examples
      13.10  Exercises
      Appendix A The ASC Ⅱ character set
      Appendix B Intrinsie function in Fortran
      Appendix C Clauses allowed in the OPEN statement
      Appendix D Clauses allowed in the READ statement
      Appendix E The order of statements in a Fortran program