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    • 机器学习及交通应用(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:陈淑燕//马永锋//乔凤祥|责编:马伟
      • 出版社:东南大学
      • ISBN:9787576603620
      • 出版日期:2022/12/01
      • 页数:331
    • 售价:27.2
  • 内容大纲

        The motivation for this textbook started with the successful practice of machine learning in intelligent transportation systems. This book is intended to cover the basic concepts, typical machine learning algorithms and specific applications to transportation systems. This textbook focuses on typical machine learning algorithms, including feature engineering, instance -based learning, decision tree learning, support vector machine, neural networks, ensemble learning, outlier mining, clustering, imbalanced data classification, model evaluation and model interpretation.
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction to Machine Learning
      1.1  Definition of Machine Learning
      1.2  History of Machine Learning
        1.2.1  Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
        1.2.2  Fields Related to Machine Learning
      1.3  Workflow of Machine Learning
      1.4  Types of Machine Learning Algorithms
        1.4.1  Supervised Learning
        1.4.2  Unsupervised Learning
        1.4.3  Semi-supervised Learning
        1.4.4  Reinforced Learning
      1.5  Organization of the Textbook
      1.6  Summary
    Chapter 2  Feature Engineering
      2.1  Data Normalization
        2.1.1  Min-max Normalization
        2.1.2  Standard Normalization
      2.2  Data Discretization
        2.2.1  Binning
        2.2.2  Clustering Analysis
        2.2.3  Entropy-based Discretization
        2.2.4  Correlation Analysis
      2.3  Feature Selection
        2.3.1  Filter Feature Selection
        2.3.2  Wrapper Feature Selection
        2.3.3  Embedded Methods
      2.4  Feature Extraction
        2.4.1  Principal Components Analysis
        2.4.2  Linear Discriminant Analysis
        2.4.3  Autoencoder
      2.5  Summary
    Chapter 3  Instance-Based Learning
      3.1  Overview of IBL
      3.2  Components of KNN
        3.2.1  Measure the Similarity between Instances
        3.2.2  How to Choose K
        3.2.3  Assign the Class Label
        3.2.4  Time Complexity
      3.3  Variants of KNN
        3.3.1  Attribute Weighted KNN
        3.3.2  Distance Weighted KNN
      3.4  Strengths and Weaknesses of KNN
    Chapter 4  Decision Tree Learning
      4.1  Decision Tree Representation
        4.1.1  Component of Decision Tree
        4.1.2  How to use Decision Trees for Classification?
        4.1.3  How to Generate Rules from Decision Trees?
        4.1.4  Popular Algorithms to Generate Decision Trees
      4.2  ID3 Algorithm
        4.2.1  Select the best Attribute

        4.2.2  Information Gain
        4.2.3  Information Gain for Continuous-valued Attributes
        4.2.4  Pseudoeode of ID3
        4.3  C4.5  Algorithm
      4.4  CART Algorithm
        4.4.1  Gini Index
        4.4.2  Binary Split Point for Muhivalued Attribute
        4.4.3  Flowchart of Generating Tree
        4.4.4  Develop Regression Trees by CART Algorithm
      4.5  Overfitting and Tree pruning
        4.5.1  Overfitting
        4.5.2  Pruning Decision Trees
      4.6  Pros and Cons of Decision Trees
    Chapter 5  Support Vector Machines
    Chapter 6  Neural Networks
    Chapter 7  Ensemble Learning
    Chapter 8  Outlier Mining
    Chapter 9  Clustering
    Chapter 10  Imbalanced Data Classification
    Chapter 11  Model Evaluation
    Chapter 12  Model Interpretation
    Chapter 13  Application of Machine Learning in Transportation
    Chapter 14  Course Projects


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