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    • 材料化学(普通高等教育十四五规划教材)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:雷西萍//乔明涛//雷琬莹//南艳丽|责编:杨敏
      • 出版社:冶金工业
      • ISBN:9787502492298
      • 出版日期:2023/01/01
      • 页数:194
    • 售价:15.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Foundation of Materials Science
      1.2  Crystal Structures
        1.1.1  Unit Cells
        1.1.2  Crystal Systems
      1.2  Crystalline and Nanocrystalline Materials
        1.2.1  Single Crystals
        1.2.2  Polycrystalline Materials
        1.2.3  Anisotropy
        1.2.4  Noncrystalline Solids
      1.3  Defects
        1.3.1  Point Defect
        1.3.2  Linear Defects
        1.3.3  Interfacial Defects
    Chapter 2  Foundation of Physical Chemistry
      2.1  Thermodynamic Laws
        2.1.1  The First Law of Thermodynamics
        2.1.2  The Second Law and the Third Law of Thermodynamics
      2.2  Chemical Reaction Kinetics
        2.2.1  Chemical Reaction and Rate Law
        2.2.2  The Integral form of the Reaction Rate Equation
        2.2.3  Linking the Rate Laws with Reaction Mechanisms
      2.3  Electrochemical Foundation
        2.3.1  Electrolyte Solution
        2.3.2  Electrolyte System
        2.3.3  Nernst Equation
        2.3.4  The Electrochemical Reaction Rate
    Chapter 3  Foundation of Polymer Materials
      3.1  Introduction of Polymer
      3.2  Classification of Polymers
        3.2.1  Classification by Source
        3.2.2  Classification by Application
        3.2.3  Classification by Chain Structure
        3.2.4  Classification by Thermal Behavior
        3.2.5  Classification by Polymerization
        3.2.6  Classification by Elemental Composition of Main Chain
      3.3  Chain Structure and Condensed Structure
      3.4  Glass Transition
    Chapter 4  Preparation Principles in Materials Chemistry
      4.1  Features of Basic Material
        4.1.1  Metals
        4.1.2  Ceramics
        4.1.3  Polymeric Materials
        4.1.4  Materials Design and Selection
      4.2  Solid State Reaction

        4.2.1  Definition and Features
        4.2.2  Solid-solid Interface
      4.3  Liquid State Reaction
        4.3.1  Ostwald Ripening
        4.3.2  Crystal Nucleation and Growth
      4.4  Gas State Reaction
        4.4.1  Vapor Absorption and Adsorption
        4.4.2  Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
        4.4.3  Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
    Chapter 5  Preparation Methods of Metal
      5.1  Chemical and Photochemical Synthesis
        5.1.1  Light Mediated Synthesis
        5.1.2  Electrolysis and Pyrolysis
        5.1.3  Citrate Reduction
        5.1.4  Polyol Synthesis
        5.1.5  Seed Mediated Synthesis
      5.2  Soft and Hard Template Mediated Synthesis
      5.3  Hydrothermal Process
    Chapter 6  Preparation Methods of Inorganic Nonmetallic Material ..
      6.1  Preparation Methods of Inorganic Powders
        6.1.1  Co-precipitation and Precursor Methods
        6.1.2  The Sol-gel Method
        6.1.3  Hydrothermal and Solvothermal Methods
        6.1.4  Molten Salts
        6.1.5  Combustion Synthesis
      6.2  Molding Process of Inorganic Materials
        6.2.1  Fabrication and Processing of Glasses
        6.2.2  Powder Processing
        6.2.3  Tape Casting
    Chapter 7  Preparation Mechanisms of Polymer
      7.1  Radical Chain Polymerization
        7.1.1  Sequence of Radical Chain Polymerization
        7.1.2  Kinetics of Initiation and Polymerization
      7.2  Step-growth Polymerization
        7.2.1  Self-catalyzed Polymerization
        7.2.2  Molecular Weight of Polymer
      7.3  Polymerization Processes
    Chapter 8  Corrosion and Protection of Materials
      8.1  Electrochemical Considerations
        8.1.1  Electrode Potentials
        8.1.2  The Standard EMF Series
        8.1.3  The Galvanic Series

        8.1.4  Corrosion Rates
      8.2  Forms of Corrosion
        8.2.1  Uniform Attack
        8.2.2  Galvanic Corrosion
        8.2.3  Crevice Corrosion
        8.2.4  Pitting
        8.2.5  Intergranular Corrosion
        8.2.6  Erosion-corrosion
        8.2.7  Stress Corrosion
        8.2.8  Hydrogen Embrittlement
      8.3  Protection Principles and Ways
        8.3.1  Cathodic Protection
        8.3.2  Anodic Protection
        8.3.3  Corrosion Protection by Coatings
        8.3.4  Change of Environment
        8.3.5  Proper Design


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