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    • 计算机专业英语(第3版高职高专计算机教学改革新体系教材)
      • 作者:编者:盛时竹//邢翀//戚爽|责编:刘士平
      • 出版社:清华大学
      • ISBN:9787302631682
      • 出版日期:2023/06/01
      • 页数:253
    • 售价:19.6
  • 内容大纲

        本书是为高等职业教育计算机专业课程编写的英语教材。本书内容覆盖了硬件、软件、数据库、网络等计算机专业的主要分支领域,以及大数据、云计算、物联网、移动互联、量子通信、网上社区、人工智能等前沿技术的推介与应用技能的操练。全书包括精读和泛读两部分。精读有12个单元,每个单元由导读(Guided Reading)、语言学习(Language Work)和动手做(Hands-on Practice)三大部分组成,通过语法结构、翻译技巧等板块,系统讲解了实用英语知识;各单元均配有大量练习题。泛读部分精选6篇文章,每篇文章后面有8道判断题,用于检验阅读效果。书中以二维码的形式提供了译文,书后附有各部分练习的答案,便于读者自学。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1  The Development of Computer Technology
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Unit 2  Introduction to Computer Systems
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Unit 3  Description of the Operating System
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Unit 4  Introduction to Computer Programming
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Unit 5  Database Fundamentals
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Unit 6  Big Data
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Unit 7  Computer Network
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Unit 8  Acquaintance with Cloud Computing
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Unit 9  Artificial Intelligence
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Unit 10  E-commerce
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Unit 11  Multimedia on the Web
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Unit 12  The Difference Between a Computer Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse
      Ⅰ.Guided Reading
      Ⅱ.Language Work
      Ⅲ.Hands-on Practice
    Selected Reading Passages
      Passage Ⅰ  An Introduction to Facebook

      Passage Ⅱ  Learning About Everything Under the "Cloud"
      Passage Ⅲ  Introduction to the Evolution of Internet of Things
      Passage Ⅳ  Database Development Process
      Passage Ⅴ  Website Development Planning Stage
      Passage Ⅵ  Steve Jobs
    附录  练习题参考答案
      Unit 1
      Unit 2
      Unit 3
      Unit 4
      Unit 5
      Unit 6
      Unit 7
      Unit 8
      Unit 9
      Unit 10
      Unit 11
      Unit 12