本书可供航空航天相关领域科研工作者和工程技术人员阅渎,也可供航空航天相关专业的高等院校高年级本科生和研究生学习参考。 -
1. Introduction
1.1 The weighted residual methods
1.1.1 Problem description
1.1.2 Primal methods
1.1.3 Mixed methods
1.2 Application of weighted residual methods
1.2.1 Transient motions
1.2.2 Periodic motions
1.3 Finite difference methods
1.3.1 Explicit methods
1.3.2 Implicit methods
1.4 Asymptotic methods
1.4.1 Perturbation method
1.4.2 Adomian decomposition method
1.4.3 Picard iteration method
2. Harmonic Balance Method and Time Domain Collocation Method
2.1 Time collocation in a period of oscillation
2.2 Relationship between collocation and harmonic balance
2.2.1 Harmonic balance method
2.2.2 High dimensional harmonic balance method
2.2.3 Equivalence between HDHB and collocation
2.3 Initialization of Newton-Raphson method
2.3.1 Initial values for undamped system
2.3.2 Initial values for damped system
2.4 Numerical examples
2.4.1 Undamped Dulling equation
2.4.2 Damped Duffing equation
Appendix A
Appendix B
3. Dealiasing for Harmonic Balance and Time Domain Collocation Methods
3.1 Governing equations of the airfoil model
3.2 Formulation of the HB method
3.2.1 Numerical approximation of Jacobian matrix
3.2.2 Explicit Jacobian matrix of HB
3.2.3 Mathematical aliasing of HB method
3.3 Formulation of the TDC method
3.3.1 Explicit Jacobian matrix of TDC
3.3.2 Mathematical aliasing of the TDC method
3.4 Reconstruction harmonic balance method
3.5 Numerical examples
3.5.1 RK4 results and spectral analysis
3.5.2 HBEJ vs. HBNJ
3.5.3 Aliasing analysis of the HB and TDC methods
3.5.4 Dealiasing via a marching procedure
4. Application of Time Domain Collocation in Formation Flying of Satellites
4.1 TDC searching scheme for periodic relative orbits
4.2 Initial values for TDC method
4.2.1 The C-W equations
4.2.2 The T-H equations
4.3 Evaluation of TDC search scheme
4.3.1 Projected closed orbit
4.3.2 Closed loop control
4.4 Numerical results
5. Local Variational Iteration Method
5.1 VIM and its relationship with PIM and ADM
5.1.1 VIM
5.1.2 Comparison of VIM with PIM and ADM
5.2 Local variational iteration method
5.2.1 Limitations of global VIM
5.2.2 Variational homotopy method
5.2.3 Methodology of LVIM
5.3 Conclusion
6. Collocation in Conjunction with the Local Variational Iteration Method
6.1 Modifications of LVIM
6.1.1 Algorithm-1
6,1.2 Algorithm-2
6.1.3 Algorithm-3
6.2 Implementation of LVIM
6.2.1 Discretization using collocation
6.2.2 Collocation of algorithm-1
6.2.3 Collocation of algorithm-2
6.2.4 Collocation of algorithm-3
6.3 Numerical examples
6.3.1 The forced Duffing equation
6.3.2 The Lorenz system
6.3.3 The multiple coupled Duffing equations
6.4 Conclusion
7. Application of the Local Variational Iteration Method in Orbital Mechanics
7.1 Local variational iteration method and quasi-linearization method
7.1.1 Local variational iteration method
7.1.2 Quasi-linearization method
7.2 Perturbed orbit propagation
7.2.1 Comparison of local variational iteration method with the modified Chebyshev picard iteration method
7.2.2 Comparison of FAPI with Runge-Kutta 12(10)
7.3 Perturbed Lambert's problem
7.3.1 Using FAPI
7.3.2 Using the fish-scale-growing method
7.3.3 Using quasilinearization and local variational iteration method
7.4 Conclusion
8. Applications of the Local Variational Iteration Method in Structural Dynamics
8.1 Elucidation of LVIM in structural dynamics
8.1.1 Formulas of the local variational iteration method
8.1.2 Large time interval collocation
8.1.3 LVlM algorithms for structural dynamical system
8.2 Mathematical model of a buckled beam
8.3 Nonlinear vibrations of a buckled beam
8.3.1 Bifurcations and chaos
8.3.2 Comparison between HHT and LVIM algorithms
8.4 Conclusion
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
- 故宫日历(公历2017年)(精)26.4
- 时间简史(插图版)18
- 工程数学线性代数(第6版十二五普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材)7.76
- 昆虫记(精)/经典译林8.72
- 数控铣床综合实训教程19.2
- 昆虫记(插图典藏本)(精)11.2
- 化工制图习题集(普通高等教育规划教材)7.2
- 化工制图(普通高等教育规划教材)15.8
- 生命急救技能14
- 时间简史(普及版)(精)15.2
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