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    • 静电加速器--一个多功能工具(英文)/国外优秀物理著作原版系列
      • 作者:(瑞)朗纳·海尔伯格//(美)哈里·J.惠特洛|责编:张永芹//邵长玲
      • 出版社:哈尔滨工业大学
      • ISBN:9787576707519
      • 出版日期:2023/06/01
      • 页数:156
    • 售价:23.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Author biographies
    1  Introduction
    2 The field of accelerator techniques
      2.1  Different types of accelerator
      2.2  Orbital accelerators
        2.2.1  Cyclotrons
        2.2.2  Synchrocyclotrons and isochronous cyclotrons
        2.2.3  Synchrotrons
      2.3  Linear accelerators
      2.4  Direct voltage accelerators
      2.5  Tandem electrostatic accelerator
    3 History of electrostatic accelerators
      3.1  Development of Van de Graaff accelerators
      3.2  The Herb accelerators
      3.3  Commercially produced accelerators
      3.4  The development of tandem accelerat~ors
      3.5  The big machines
    4 Electrostatics
      4.1  Field distributions
      4.2  Potential dividers
    5 Insulating gases
    6 Charging systems
      6.1  Belt charging systems
      6.2  Chain charging systems
      6.3  Cascade generator charging systems
    7 Voltage distribution systems
      7.1  Corona point systems
      7.2  Resistor chains
    8 High voltage stabilisation
      8.1  Feedback voltage stabilisation
        8.1.1  Voltage multiplier-high voltage supplies
        8.1.2  Stabilisation of chain- and belt-charged accelerators
    9 Accelerator tubes
      9.1  Beam optics
    10  Ion stripper system and terminal pumping
      10.1  Charge exchange
        10.1.1  Foil strippers
        10.1.2  Gas strippers
        10.1.3  Terminal pumping

    11  Electron sources
        11.0.1  Thermionic emission
        11.0.2  Thermionic emission of electrons from a surface
        11.0.3  Field emitters
        11.0.4  Plasma electron sources
        11.0.5  Photoelectric electron emission
      11.1  Thermionic electron gun
    12  Positive ion sources
      12.1  RF-ion sources
      12.2  Penning ion sources
      12.3  Duoplasmatron ion sources
    13  Negative ion formation processes and sources
      13.1  Negative ion formation
        13.1.1  Direct extraction from gaseous plasma
        13.1.2  Negative-ion formation through charge exchange
        13.1.3  Sputter-ion sources as a source of negative ions
    14  Equipment for beam diagnostics
      14.1  Measurement of the beam current
      14.2  Monitoring the beam diameter and position
      14.3  Beam profile monitors
      14.4  Beam stoppers and safety equipment
    15  Charged particle optics and beam transport
      15.1  Specification of the ion beam
        15.1.1  Beam currents, fluxes and fluence
      15.2  Charge particle beam optics and beam transport characteristics for different types of end-station beam-lines
      15.3  Accelerator ion optics
        15.3.1  Particle acceleration and the Lorentz equation
        15.3.2  The drift section
        15.3.3  Electrostatic acceleration
        15.3.4  Electrostatic deflection
        15.3.5  Magnetic dipole
        15.3.6  Magnetic quadrupoles
    16  Radiation protection at an accelerator laboratory
      16.1  Types of radiation
        16.1.1  Interactions of accelerator-induced radiation with matter
      16.2  Radiation dosimetry
      16.3  Detecting ionising radiation
    17  Computer control of accelerators
      17.1  Introduction
      17.2  Distributed intelligence
        17.2.1  Graphic user interface (GUI) design
        17.2.2  Interlock design
      17.4  Obsolescence considerations

        17.4.1 Control system security
    18  Vacuum technology for electrostatic accelerators
      18.1  Introduction
      18.2  Basic high vacuum technology
      18.3  Kinetic theory and gas flow in vacuum systems
        18.3.1  Differential pumping
      18.4  Vacuum components
        18.4.1  Vacuum pumps
        18.4.2  Roughing and backing pumps
        18.4.3  Vacuum valves
        18.4.4  Vacuum meters
      18.5  Vacuum fittings and materials
        18.5.1  Vacuum fittings
        18.5.2  Materials
      18.6  Accelerator vacuum systems
        18.6.1  Troubleshooting accelerator vacuum systems
    19  Environmental and safety aspects of electrostatic accelerators
      19.1  Introduction
      19.2  Building environmental aspects
        19.2.1  Electrical supply
        19.2.2  Ventilation
        19.2.3  Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
        19.2.4  Other services
      19.3  Environmental effects on electrostatic accelerators
        19.3.1  Ground vibrations
        19.3.2  Earthquakes
        19.3.3  Magnetic fields
        19.3.4  Flooding
        19.3.5  Radiation shielding of the accelerator laboratory
        19.3.6  Chemical environment
    20  Applications of electrostatic accelerators
      20.1  Introduction
      20.2  Atomic and nuclear reactions
      20.3  Charged particle beam modification of materials
        20.3.1  Basic interactions
        20.3.2  Electron irradiation
        20.3.3  Ion beam modification of materials
      20.4  Ion beam analysis methods
        20.4.1  MeV ion microprobes
        20.4.2  Ion beam analytical methods
      20.5  Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)
        20.5.1  Ion sources
        20.5.2  Detectors
        20.5.3  Gas ionisation detectors
        20.5.4  Semiconductor detectors
        20.5.5  Time-of-flight detectors
        20.5.6  Gas-filled magnets

        20.5.7  x-ray detectors
    Appendix  SI units and other units


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