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    • 一带一路创新发展报告(2021英文版)(精)
      • 作者:编者:一带一路国际科学组织联盟|责编:杨婵娟//贾雪玲
      • 出版社:科学
      • ISBN:9787030759092
      • 出版日期:2023/07/01
      • 页数:349
    • 售价:103.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    An Introduction to ANSO
    Chapter 1 Innovation and Development in Anti-COVID-19 Research
      1.1  The Global Landscape of SARS-CoV-2 Genomes, Variants, and Haplotypes in 2019nCoVR
      1.2  Non-contact Screening and Monitoring System for COVID-19 Patients
      1.3  Reflections on the Transmission of Coronaviruses and the Resulting Spillover Events in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
      1.4  Green Technology Boosts Anti-epidemic
    Chapter 2 Innovation and Development in Research on the Impacts of COVID-19
      2.1  Evaluation of the Effects of COVID-19 Prevention and Control Policies in Partner Countries Under the Framework of the BRI and Related Forecasts
      2.2  The Impacts of COVID-19 on the Belt and Road Enterprises and Suggested Countermeasures
      2.3  Impacts of COVID-19 on the SDGs and Strategies to Promote SDG Implementation
      2.4  Public Opinion Regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 in China and Its Implications
    Chapter 3 Innovation and Development in Scientific Cooperation
      3.1  Building a Community of Human Health in the Spirit of Pasteur
      3.2  R&D Spending, Key Research Directions, and Innovation Outcomes in Partner Countries Under the Framework of the BRI
      3.3  Hong Kong’s Role in the Belt and Road Science and Technology Cooperation
    Chapter 4 Innovation and Development in Environmental Health
      4.1  Preliminary Study on Relationships Between Water Environment Change and Human Health Across the Countries Along the Silk Road
      4.2  International Research Progress and China-Sri Lanka Cooperation on Identifying Factors Causing Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology in Sri Lanka
      4.3  Migratory Waterbirds, Wetlands, and Human Health
      4.4  Urban Biosecurity and Public Health: The Belt and Road Challenges and Countermeasures
      4.5  Study on the Application of Photocatalytic Antiviral Materials
    Chapter 5 Innovation and Development in Ecological Protection
      5.1  A Chinese Solution for Building an Ecological Barrier Around the Kazakhstan Metropolitan Area
      5.2  Mapping Asia Plants Plus (MAP+)—A Case of Big Data in Biodiversity Supports the Green Belt and Road
      5.3  Countermeasures and Recommendations for Transboundary Cooperation on Protected Areas Along the Northern Border of China
      5.4  ANSO-MISSPAD Supports International Accident Rescue Operations Through Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Forecasting Services
      5.5  Ecological and Environmental Problems and the Green Development Mode of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor
    Chapter 6 Innovation and Development in Food Security
      6.1  Agricultural Monitoring and Analysis of Grain Self-sufffciency for the Mediterranean Region
      6.2  Enhancing Multi-stakeholder Partnership for Food Security in Africa
      6.3  Application Status and the Prospect of Bio-agricultural Preparations in the Planting Industry in BRI Countries
    Chapter 7 ANSO Actions in Innovation and Development of the Belt and Road
      7.1  ANSO Annual Overview
      7.2  ANSO Annual Chronology (2020-2021)


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