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    • 清明上河图(风俗画里的中国绘画史)(英文版)/中国人文标识
      • 作者:邦妮|责编:梁媛|译者:马丽//卢丹青
      • 出版社:五洲传播
      • ISBN:9787508550565
      • 出版日期:2023/07/01
      • 页数:202
    • 售价:51.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter Ⅰ  Travel in Time Through a Painting
      Section 1  Tranquil Life in Bianjing Suburb
      Section 2  The Prosperous Bianhe River
      Section 3  Rainbow Bridge Known as the Visual Center of Painting
      Section 4  Thriving Business
      Section 5  Which Gate of Bianjing City Is It
      Section 6  Busy Urban Area
      Section 7  Secular Figures in the Genre Painting
    Chapter Ⅱ  The Northern Song Dynasty Behind the Masterpiece
      Section 1  Bianjing, the Capital of the Northern Song Dynasty
      Section 2  An International Metropolis Supported by Citizens
      Section 3  Bianhe River, Bianjing's Lifeline
      Section 4  Water Transport of Grain, the Foundation of the Country
    Chapter Ⅲ  The Riverside Scene at the Qingming Festival and the Chinese Genre Painting
      Section 1  The Song Dynasty's Genre Painting Trend
      Section 2  Life of the Song Dynasty in Genre Painting
      Section 3  The Decline of Genre Painting
      Section 4  Looking Back on Chinese and Western Genre Paintings
    Chapter Ⅳ  A-Thousand-Years Odyssey of The Riverside Scene at the Qingming Festival
      Section 1  Drifting in the River of History
      Section 2  Building up Fame While Wandering Around
      Section 3  Global Study of The Riverside Scene at the Qingming Festival
      Section 4  Chinese Painting With a Long History
      Section 5  Chinese Painting Closely Connected With World Culture
    Appendix A  Brief Chinese Chronology


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