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    • 导弹武器系统概论(英文版高等学校通用教材)
      • 作者:编者:朱旭程|责编:董瑞
      • 出版社:北京航空航天大学
      • ISBN:9787512441453
      • 出版日期:2023/08/01
      • 页数:248
    • 售价:27.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction
      1.1  Missile and Missile Weapon System
        1.1.1  Composition of the Missile
        1.1.2  Classification of the Missile
        1.1.3  Composition and Classification of Missile Weapon System
      1.2  Tactical and Technical Requirements for the Missile Weapon System
        1.2.1  Requirements for the Fighting Performance
        1.2.2  Requirements for the Operational Performance
        1.2.3  Technical Performance Requirements
        1.2.4  Economic Requirements
      1.3  Brief History of Missile Development
    Chapter 2  Missile Flight Principle
      2.1  Basics of Aerodynamics
        2.1.1  Atmospheric Structure
        2.1.2  Physical Properties of the Atmosphere
        2.1.3  Basic Rules of Air Fluid
        2.1.4  Shock Wave and Expansion Wave
        2.1.5  Forces and Torques Acting on Missile
      2.2  Missile Motion Equations
        2.2.1  Missile Kinematics Equation
        2.2.2  Missile Kinetie Equation
        2.2.3  Geometric Equation
        2.2.4  Missile Mass Equation
        2.2.5  Control Equation
      2.3  Missile Flight Performance
        2.3.1  Missile Stability
        2.3.2  Missile Controllability
        2.3.3  Missile Maneuverability
    Chapter 3  Structure of Missile Airframe
      3.1  Aerodynamic Shape and General Arrangement
        3.1.1  The Aerodynamic Shape of Winged Missile
        3.1.2  The Arrangement of Missile
      3.2  Missile Fuselage
        3.2.1  Missile Fuselage Geometry Shape
        3.2.2  Missile Fuselage Structure
        3.2.3  Hatch Cover
        3.2.4  Missile Fuselage Section Connection
        3.2.5  Seal of the Missile Fuselage Sections
      3.3  Wings
        3.3.1  Geometric Parameters of Wings
        3.3.2  Structure of Wing
        3.3.3  Foldable Missile Wing
        3.3.4  Grid Fin
        3.3.5  Control Surface
        3.3.6  Connection Structure of Wing and Airframe
      3.4  Structural Material of Airframe
        3.4.1  Aluminum Alloy
        3.4.2  Magnesium alloy

        3.4.3  Alloy Steel
        3.4.4  Titanic Alloy
        3.4.5  Composite Material
        3.4.6  Plastic
      3.5  Development Trend of Missile General Technology
        3.5.1  Development Trend in Missile Performance
        3.5.2  Development Trend in Aerodynamic Configuration
    Chapter 4  Propulsion System
      4.1  Rocket Engine
        4.1.1  Performance Parameters
        4.1.2  Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine
        4.1.3  Solid Propellant Rocket Motor
      4.2  Air Breather Engine
        4.2.1  Performance Parameters
        4.2.2  Turbojet Engine
        4.2.3  Turbofan Engine
        4.2.4  Ramjet Engine
      4.3  Combined Engines
        4.3.1  Combination of Rocket Engine and Ramjet Engine
        4.3.2  Combination of Turbojet Engine and Ramjet Engine
        4.3.3  Combination of Rocket Engine and Turbojet Engine
      4.4  Application and Developing Trend of the Engines
        4.4.1  Performance Comparison
        4.4.2  Application of the Engines
        4.4.3  Development Trend of the Engines
    Chapter 5  Guidance and Control System
      5.1  General Statement
        5.1.1  Compositions of the Guidance and Control System
        5.1.2  Classification of the Guidance and Control System
        5.1.3  Tactical and Technical Requirements for the Guidance and Control System
      5.2  Missile Guidance Law
        5.2.1  Self-homing-Missile Guidance Law
        5.2.2  Guidance Law of Remote Guidance
        5.2.3  General Principles for Selecting Guidance Methods
      5.3  Control System
        5.3.1  Control of the Missile Mass Center Movement
        5.3.2  Sensing Devices of the Control System
        5.3.3  Control System Actuator
      5.4  Guidance System
        5.4.1  Inertial Guidance System
        5.4.2  Matching Guidance System
        5.4.3  Satellite Navigation System
        5.4.4  Radar Guidance System
        5.4.5  Optical Guidance System
        5.4.6  Composite Guidance System
      5.5  Development Trend of Guidance System
    Chapter 6  Fuze-warhead System

      6.1  Warhead
        6.1.1  Composition and Classification of Warhead
        6.1.2  Blasting Warhead
        6.1.3  Shaped Charge Armor-piercing Warhead
        6.1.4  Semi-armor-piercing Warhead
        6.1.5  Fragmentation Warhead
        6.1.6  Tandem Warhead
        6.1.7  Cluster Warhead
        6.1.8  Nuclear Warhead
      6.2  Fuze
        6.2.1  Classification and Composition of Fuzes
        6.2.2  Contact Fuze
        6.2.3  Proximity Fuze
      6.3  Development Trend of Fuze-warhead System
        6.3.1  Warhead Technology Development
        6.3.2  Fuze Technology Development
    Chapter 7  Missile Electrical System
      7.1  Onboard Main Power Supply
        7.1.1  Generator
        7.1.2  Electrochemical Power Supply
      7.2  Electrical Element
        7.2.1  Electrical Connector
        7.2.2  Relay
        7.2.3  Switch
        7.2.4  Protection Element
      7.3  Onboard Electric Network
        7.3.1  Wires and Cables
        7.3.2  Power Distribution Mode
        7.3.3  Power Transmission Mode
        7.3.4  Missile Grounding
      7.4  Development Trend of Onboard Electrical System
        7.4.1  Power Supply Technology
        7.4.2  Cable Network Technology
        7.4.3  Electrical Element Technology


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