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    • 工程管理专业英语(高等学校工程管理专业系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:徐勇戈|责编:牟琳琳//张晶
      • 出版社:中国建筑工业
      • ISBN:9787112289080
      • 出版日期:2023/08/01
      • 页数:224
    • 售价:15.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part Ⅰ  工程管理专业知识 The Specialized Knowedge for Construction Management
      Chapter 1  The Basic Knovledge of Construction Projects
        1.1  The Outine of Project Mianagement
        1.2  Project Management for Construction Projects
        1.3  Organization Integration towards Building Projects-From Life Cycle Perspective
        Study and Practices
      Chapter 2  Econornic Evaluatíion of Construction Projects
        2.1  The Outine of Economic Evaluation for Construction Projects
        2.2  The Initiation and Selection for Construction Projects
        2.3  Methods of Economic Evaluation for Construction Projects
        Study and Practices
      Chapter 3  Bidding and Tendering of Construction Projects
        3.1  Bidding Procedure of Construction Projects
        3.2  How to Bid on Projects in Competitive Bidding
        3.3  Incentive Structure in Public Design-Bid-Build Tendering and Its Effects on Projects
        Study and Practices
      Chapter 4  Contract Management of Construction Projects
        4.1  Types of Agreements
        4.2  The Parties of Contract
        4.3  Changes in Contract
        Study and Practices
      Chapter 5  Legal Basis of International Projects
        5.1  Introduction of International Conditions of Contract
        5.2  Bonds and Insurance
        5.3  Construction Manager (CM) Contractors
        Study and Practices
      Chapter 6  Time Control in Construction Projects
        6.1  Choosing & Using Scheduling Techniques
        6.2  Identifying Critical Path
        6.3  Total Float Calculation Method
        Study and Practices
      Chapter 7  Quality Control in Construction Projects
        7.1  Quality Control in Construction Sector
        7.2  Construction Quality Control of Production Factors
        7.3  Quality Control of Construction Process
        Study and Practices
      Chapter 8  Constructability of Construction Projects
        8.1  Constructability: Outline of Past, Present, and Future Research
        8.2  A Study of Measures to Improve Constructability
        8.3  A Knowledge-Based Model for Constructability Assessment of Buildings Design Using BIM
        Study and Practices
      Chapter 9  Building Information Modeling (BIM)
        9.1  Introduction about BIM
        9.2  Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
        9.3  BIM Interoperability
        Study and Practices
    Part Ⅱ  学术能力拓展 Building Academic Capability Up
      Unit 1  工程管理专业英语翻译
        1.1  引言
        1.2  工程管理英语特点

        1.3  翻译基本知识
        1.4  翻译方法
        1.5  特殊句型的翻译
        1.6  长句翻译
        1.7  从句的翻译
        1.8  数量的翻译
      Unit 2  论文写作与国际发表
        2.1  概述
        2.2  标题、作者/单位、关键词
        2.3  摘要
        2.4  引言
        2.5  正文
        2.6  结果、讨论与结论
        2.7  致谢、图表、附录和参考文献
        2.8  自查文稿
        2.9  论文发表
      Unit 3  国际会议交流
        3.1  会议信息
        3.2  会议联络
        3.3  会议论文准备
        3.4  宣读论文
        3.5  讨论环节
        3.6  组织会议与主持讨论
        3.7  会间交流
      Unit 4  文献综述撰写
        4.1  撰写文献综述的益处
        4.2  文献综述的撰写要求、格式及注意事项


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