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    • 商务英语口译(实训教程第2版高等职业教育行业英语系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:林永成//陈秀娟|责编:易新
      • 出版社:北京师大
      • ISBN:9787303277810
      • 出版日期:2023/08/01
      • 页数:259
    • 售价:17.52
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Project 1  Ceremonial Speeches
    项目一  礼仪致辞
      句子口译(Sentence Interpreting)
      会话口译(Conversation Interpreting)
      段落口译(Passage Interpreting)
      口译技巧(Interpreting Skill)
      实训指导(Training Guide)
    Project 2  Cultural Exchange
    项目二  文化交流
      句子口译(Sentence Interpreting)
      会话口译(Conversation Interpreting)
      段落口译(Passage Interpreting)
      口译技巧(Interpreting Skill)
      实训指导(Training Guide)
    Project 3  Company & Product Introductions
    项目三  公司及产品介绍
      句子口译(Sentence Interpreting)
      会话口译(Conversation Interprating)
      段落口译(Passage Interpreting)
      口译技巧(Interpreting Skill)
      实训指导(Training Guide)
    Project 4  Business Trips
    项目四  商务旅行
      句子口译(Sentence Interpreting)
      会话口译(Conversation Interpreting)
      段落口译(Passage Interpreting)
      口译技巧(Interpreting Skill)
      实训指导(Training Guide)
    Project 5  Global Sourcing
    项目五  全球采购
      句子口译(Sentence Interpreting)
      会话口译(Conversation Interpreting)
      段落口译(Passage Interpreting)
      口译技巧(Interpreting Skill)
      实训指导(Training Guide)
    Project 6  Marketing and Promotion
    项目六  市场营销与促销学习目标(Objectives)
      句子口译(Sentence Interpreting)
      会话口译(Conversation Interpreting)

      段落口译(Passage Interpreting)
      口译技巧(Interpreting Skill)
      实训指导(Training Guide)
    Project 7  Electronic Business
    项目七  电子商务
      句子口译(Sentence Interpreting)
      会话口译(Conversation Interpreting)
      段落口译(Passage Interpreting)
      口译技巧(Interpreting Skill)
      实训指导(Training Guide)
    Project 8  International Investment
    项目八  国际投资
      句子口译(Sentence Interpreting)
      会话口译(Conversation Interpreting)
      段落口译(Passage Interpreting)
      口译技巧(Interpreting Skill)
      实训指导(Training Guide)
    Project 9  International Conventions and Exhibitions
    项目九  国际会展
      句子口译(Sentence Interpreting)
      会话口译(Conversation Interpreting)
      段落口译(Passage Interpreting)
      口译技巧(Interpreting Skill)
      实训指导(Training Guide)
    Project 10  International Education
    项目十  国际教育
      句子口译(Sentence Interpreting)
      会话口译(Conversation Interpreting)
      段落口译(Passage Interpreting)
      口译技巧(Interpreting Skill)
      实训指导(Training Guide)


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