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    • 基于线性参数时变理论的电动汽车增益可调鲁棒估计和控制(英文版)(精)/节能与新能源汽车关键技术研究丛书
      • 作者:张辉//王荣蓉//王俊敏|责编:姚同梅
      • 出版社:华中科技大学
      • ISBN:9787568095259
      • 出版日期:2023/06/01
      • 页数:204
    • 售价:63.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1  Polytopic LPV Approaches for Intelligent Automotive Systems:State of the Art and Future Challenges
      1.1  Introduction
      1.2  Polytopic Linear Parameter-Varying Systems
        1.2.1  A Motivating Automotive Application
        1.2.2  Polytopic LPV System Description
        1.2.3  Lyapunov-Based Stability of Polytopic LPV Systems
        1.2.4  Gain-Scheduled Control Laws for LPV Systems
        1.2.5  Gain-Scheduled Control of Polytopic LPV Systems
        1.2.6  Multiple Convex Summation Relaxation
        1.2.7  Observer Design for LPV Systems
        1.2.8  Polytopic LPV Models and Takagi-Sugeno Models
      1.3  Applications to Vehicle Dynamics Control
        1.3.1  Vehicle Dynamics
        1.3.2  Choices of Scheduling Parameters for LPV Control
      1.4  Applications to Autonomous Vehicles
      1.5  Applications to Vehicular Powertrain Systems
        1.5.1  Internal Combustion Engines
        1.5.2  Electric Vehicles
        1.5.3  Aftertreatment Systems
      1.6  Future Research Trends and Challenges
        1.6.1  LPV Complexity Reduction
        1.6.2  Fault Detection and Fault-Tolerant Control
        1.6.3  Limited Capacities of Perception and Motion Planning
        1.6.4  Driver-Automation Shared Driving Control
      1.7  Concluding Remarks References
    2  □ Observer Design for LPV Systems with Uncertain Measurements on Scheduling Variables:Application to an Electric Ground Vehicle
      2.1  Introduction
      2.2  Problem Formulation and Preliminary
      2.3  Observer Design
      2.4  Application to an EGV
      2.5  Conclusion
    3  Sideslip Angle Estimation of An Electric Ground Vehicle Via Finite-Frequency □ Approach
      3.1  Introduction
      3.2  Problem Formulation and Preliminary
        3.2.1  Introduction of the Electric Ground Vehicle
        3.2.2  System Modeling and Identification
        3.2.3  Model Transformation and Problem Formulation
        3.2.4  Design Objectives
      3.3  Observer Design
      3.4  Experimental Results
      3.5  Conclusion
    4  Active Steering Actuator Fault Detection for an Automatically Steered Electric Ground Vehicle
      4.1  Introduction
      4.2  System Introduction and Problem Formulation
        4.2.1  Acquisition System and Steering Actuator of EGV
        4.2.2  EGV System Modeling
      4.3  Main Results
        4.3.1  Stability Analysis and Observer Design

        4.3.2  □ Performance and Observer Design
        4.3.3  □ Performance and Observer Design
        4.3.4  Mixed □ Observer Design
      4.4  Experiment-Based Simulation Results
      4.5  Conclusions
    5  Robust □ Output-Feedback Yaw Control for In-Wheel Motor-Driven Electric Vehicles with Differential Steering
      5.1  Introduction
      5.2  System Modeling and Problem Formulation
        5.2.1  Vehicle Dynamics with Differential Steering
        5.2.2  Vehicle Modeling with Parameter Uncertainties
        5.2.3  Problem Statement
      5.3  Robust Controller Design
      5.4  Simulation Results
        5.4.1  J-Turn Simulation
        5.4.2  Double-Lane Change
      5.5  Conclusion
    6 Robust □ Path Following Control for Autonomous Ground Vehicles with Delay and Data Dropout
      6.1  Introduction
      6.2  System Modeling and Problem Formulation
        6.2.1  Path Following Model
        6.2.2  Vehicle Model
        6.2.3  Path Following with Delay and Data Packet Dropout
        6.2.4  Problem Statement
      6.3  Robust □ Controller Design with Delay and Data Dropout
      6.4  Simulation Results
        6.4.1  Single-Lane Change Maneuver
        6.4.2  Double-Lane Change Maneuver
      6.5  Conclusion
    7 Robust Lateral Motion Control of Four-Wheel Independently Actuated Electric Vehicles with Tire Force Saturation Consideration
      7.1  Introduction
      7.2  System Modeling
        7.2.1  Vehicle Model
        7.2.2  Vehicle Model Considering Parameter Uncertainties
      7.3  Control System Design
        7.3.1  Higher-Level Controller Design
        7.3.2  Lower-Level Controller Design
      7.4  Simulation Studies
      7.5  J-Turn Simulation
      7.6  Conclusion
    Appendix:Fundamentals of Robust □ Control


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