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    • 国际商务谈判(英文版高等学校双语教学用书经济管理类课程教材)/国际贸易系列
      • 作者:编者:宋泽宁//连增|责编:秦丹萍
      • 出版社:中国人民大学
      • ISBN:9787300321752
      • 出版日期:2023/10/01
      • 页数:330
    • 售价:21.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter One Essential Tools for Negotiation Analysis
      Part A [Concepts and Skills] The Concept of Negotiation and Essential Tools for Negotiation Analysis
      Part B [Learning Negotiation Through Cases] Acquisition Negotiation Between China Tian-ying and Urbaser of Spain
      Part C Appendix
    Chapter Two Preparation for International Business Negotiation
      Part A [Concepts and Skills] Preparation for International Business Negotiation
      Part B [Learn Negotiation through Cases] The Acquisition Negotiation Between China LC Company and Ethiopia's Coffee Processing Plants
      Part C Appendix
    Chapter Three Distribution and Win-Win in Negotiation
      Part A [Concepts and Skills] Distributive Negotiation and Integrative Negotiation
      Part B [Learn Negotiation through Cases] Negotiation Between China National Chemical Group and UAE's Oil Company
      Part C Appendix
    Chapter Four Negotiating Style
      Part A [Concepts and Skills] Classification,Measurement and Adjustment of Negotiating Style
      Part B [Learning Negotiation Through Cases] Construction Cooperation Negotiation Between CSCEC International and Kewa Construction Engineering Group of West Africa
      Part C Appendix
    Chapter Five Problem Solving in Negotiation
      Part A [Concepts and Skills] Problem Solving in Negotiation
      Part B [Learning Negotiation Through Cases] The Network Marketing Negotiation Between Baohui,a Chinese Company,and Tina W,an American Influencer
      Part C Appendix
    Chapter Six Trust, Relationship and Ethics in International Business Negotiation
      Part A [Concepts and Skills] Trust,Relationship and Ethics in International Business Negotiation
      Part B [Learn Negotiation through Cases] Acquisition Negotiation Between Shandong M Steel Group and Thai SF
      Part C Appendix
    Chapter Seven Power in International Business Negotiation
      Part A [Concepts and Skills] Sources of Negotiation Power and Persuation Tactics in Negotiation
      Part B [Learn Negotiation through Cases] Negotiation between Donghua and Bank of Sudan
      Part C Appendix
    Chapter Eight Team Negotiation and Multi-party Negotiation in International Business
      Part A [Concepts and Skills] Team Negotiation and Multi-party Negotiation
      Part B [Learn Negotiation through Cases] RCEP Negotiations
      Part C Appendix


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