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    • 文明互鉴文明互译(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:王铭玉|责编:崔舒琪|译者:李晶//华云鹏//陈阳//朱蕾//罗屹等
      • 出版社:新世界
      • ISBN:9787510473654
      • 出版日期:2023/01/01
      • 页数:242
    • 售价:59.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Introduction  Translation and Mutual Learning Among Civilizations
    Chapter One  Translation for Chinese Culture Going Global
      Translation of Chinese Culture and Mutual Learning Among Civilizations in the New Era
      The Translation of Chinese Culture in the Digital Age
      Chinese Literature "Going Global" and "Going Into" Overseas Audience
    Cha pter Two  Compositional Translation Studies - China's Contribution to Translation Studies Worldwide
      "Qi" (Vitality) in Translation: A Perspective of Compositional Translation Studies Reflection on Compositional Translation Studies in Translation of Children's Literature
      Translating Erya: A Compositional Translation Studies Approach
      Translation Studies Should Strive for a Larger Impact
      Understanding the "Integration of Writing and Translation" by Lin Yutang from the Perspective of Compositional Translation Studies Conclusion
    Cha pter Th ree  A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind: Theory and Practice
      A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and the Chinese Language
      China's Global Blueprint in the Context of Mutual Learning Among Civilizations
      Mutual Learning Among Civilizations and the Chinese Path in the Globalization Context
      Conflict and Variation of Civilizations in the Context of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
      A Community with a Shared Future for Mankind: A Mythological Perspective
      World Literature, Comparative Literature and "a Community with Shared Aesthetics for Mankind"
    Chapter Four  China's Cultural Communication in the Context of New  Globalization
      A New Wave of Globalization and the Dissemination of Chinese Culture
      "Mutual Learning Among Civilizations" and China's Cultural Communication in the Context of New Globalization
      Language Dignity in the "Beauty of Gemeinschaft
      Reducing Noise to Achieve Better international Communication of Chinese Culture
      Communication and Mutual Learning in Chinese and Western Stream of Consciousness in Literature: A Perspective of Comparative Poetics
    Chapter Five  Construction of China's international Discourse System
      Three Features of Discursive Interaction
      "Discourse Order" and China's International Discourse
      Strategies for International Communication of Contemporary Chinese Political Discourse
      Strengthening the Strategic Planning of Discourse Policy and Constructing the Diplomatic Discourse System of a Major Country
      Role of Discourse in Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
      Logical Starting Point and Strategic Aim of the "State Translation Program
    Chapter Six  The Disciplinary Development of Foreign Language and Literature
      Improving the Disciplinary Quality of Foreign Language and Literature and Promoting Exchanges and Mutual Learning Among Civilizations
      Building a DFLL Community with a Shared Future for Its Quality Development
      Talent Cultivation: A Core Task for Quality Development of DFLL
      Instrumentality Does Not Equal Instrumentalization: Warnings on the Hollowness of DFL
      Thoughts on DFL Development in the New Situation
      Quality Development of DFLL in the New Era: Where to Go?
    Chapter Seven  Foreign Language Talent Cultivation in the Context of New Liberal Arts
      Three Preconditions for Constructing New Liberal Arts
      The Context of New Liberal Arts Calls for Four Qualities in DFLL Construction


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