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    • 江南文化英语教程
      • 作者:编者:刘梅//何磊静|责编:杨华
      • 出版社:苏州大学
      • ISBN:9787567245716
      • 出版日期:2023/10/01
      • 页数:209
    • 售价:19.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part Ⅰ  Water World of Jiangnan
      Chapter 1  Water Towns: The Calling Card of Jiangnan
        1.Suzhou: Venice of the East
        2.Wuxi: The City of Water and Tenderness
        3.Kunshan: Qiandeng and Jinxi
        4.Qintong Ancient Town: A Bright Pearl in the Water
        5.Yaowan Ancient Town: The Golden Waterway Triangle
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 2  The Grand Canal:The Winding Path Connecting Jiangnan
        1.The Grand Canal: History
        2.The Southern Grand Canal in Jiangsu Province
        3.The Grand Canal Cultural Belt: Jiangsu Province
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 3  Classical Chinese Gardens: Beauty of the Curving World
        1.Suzhou Classical Gardens: Embodiment of Harmony Between Nature and Human
        2.When East Meets West: Chinese Gardens in the West
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 4  The Nanjing City Wall of the Ming Dynasty: An Indestructible Miracle
        1.History : The Construction of the City Wall of the Ming Dynasty
        2.Significance: The Architectural Design and Archaeological Values
        3.Close-up: Wandering on the Nanjing City Wall
        Suggested Tasks
    Part Ⅱ  Art and Handicraft
      Chapter 5  Yixing Teapots and Huishan Clay Figurines: Nature's Girl
        1.Yixing Teapots
        2.Huishan Clay Figurines
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 6  Embroidery, Kesi and Yunjin Brocade: The Exquisite Legacy
        1.Embroidery (Su Embroidery)
        3.Yunjin Brocade
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 7  Yangzhou Paper-Cutting: A World Created by Scissors
        1.History of Yangzhou Paper-Cutting
        2.Inheritance, Protection and Development
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 8  Yangzhou Baguai: Meeting the Eight Painters
        The Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 9  Erhu and Guqin: The Charm of Folk Music and High Culture
        1.Erhu: The Moon Reflected on Erquan Spring
        2.Hometown of Guqin: A Conversation with History
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 10  Kunqu Opera and Xiju Opera: Bringing the Art Back to Life
        1.Kunqu Opera
        2.Xiju Opera
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 11  Suzhou Pingtan and Nanjing Baiju: Folk Art of Storytelling and Ballad Singing
        1.Suzhou Pingtan
        2.Nanjing Baiju

        Suggested Tasks
    Part Ⅲ  Food in Jiangnan
      Chapter 12  Wuxi Soup Dumplings: A Bite of Wuxi
        Wuxi Soup Dumplings
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 13  Yangzhou Morning Tea: A Taste of Leisure
        Yangzhou Morning Tea
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 14   Qinhuai Bajue: Eight Signature Snacks of the Qinhuai River
        1.The Qinhuai River
        2.Qinhuai Eight Signature Snacks
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 15  Yangcheng Lake Crabs and Xuyi Crayfish: Delicacy Fresh Out of Lake
        1.Yangcheng Lake Crabs
        2.Xuyi Crayfish
        Suggested Tasks
    Part Ⅳ  Folk Custom
      Chapter 16  The Taibo Temple Fair: Tracing the Origin of Wu Culture
        2.Taibo Temple Fair
        Suggested Tasks  / I
      Chapter 17  The tongtaitou Festival: Praying for Blessings and Good Harvest
        1.The Longtaitou Festival
        2.Traditions and Customs
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 18  Changzhou Dragon Boat Race: Tradition and Competition
        1.The Dragon Boat Festival
        2.The Dragon Boat Race in Changzhou
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 19  Winter Solstice Celebration: Ushering in a Warm Winter and Prosperity
        1.The Winter Solstice Festival
        2.Traditions and Customs
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 20  The Qinhuai Lantern Fair: Doubling Up the Romance
        1.The Lantern Festival
        2.The Qinhuai Lantern Fair
        Suggested Tasks
    Part Ⅴ  Modem Glamour
      Chapter 21  World loT Expo Wuxi: The loT City Lights Up the World
        1.Wuxi: The IoT City
        2.World IoT Expo
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 22  liangsu Energy: New Energy Heralds New Future
        1.Offshore Wind Power Port in Nantong
        2.New Energy in Changzhou
        Suggested Tasks
      Chapter 23   The Yangtze River Bridges: Integration of the Yangtze River Economic Belt
        1.The Yangtze River Bridges
        2.Integration of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in Jiangsu Province
        Suggested Tasks



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